the pump drive gear which meshes with the camshaft
gear, The pump drive gear also drives the engine
The hydraulic system consists of the following
assemblies: Hydraulic tank, full-flow filter, system pump,
When the circuit selected has received the required
manual control valve, tilt cylinder, hoist cylinder. (Fig.
amount of oil, or the pressure within the circuit becomes
too high, excess oil is by passed by a relief valve, which
is located in the manual control valve.
The hoist cylinder assembly, which includes the lowering
control valve, and tilt cylinder assembly,/are discussed
in the Hoist Section.
Although procedures for several hydraulic components
are outlined in other sections, it is important that these
components be considered when troubleshooting the
This pump is located on the left side of the engine,
entire hydraulic system.
under the engine manifold and attached to the timing
gear housing. (Fig. 3)
A positive displacement pump draws oil from the
hydraulic tank and delivers it to the manual control
Oil is prevented from by-passing the body and end
valve. This model is equipped with a gear type pump.
cover by a neoprene gasket between the components.
A replaceable shaft seal is pressed into the front cover.
Pump mounting utilizes an adapter (Fig. 2) which is
machined to hold the pump in alignment with the driving
gear. Contained within the adapter is a ball bearing and
Figure 1.
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