To assure proper pump lubrication the pump is equipped
with a relief valve. This assembly is made of a ball and
spring and located in the end of the body.
1. Remove the inspection plate at the left rear
wheel well. (Fig. 4)
Figure 2.
Figure 4.
2. Clean the pump exterior and work area around
the pump, removing all loose dirt which may enter the
hydraulic system when the hoses are disconnected, or
the timing gear cavity when the pump is removed.
3. Check general condition of hydraulic hoses and
pump mounting. Disconnect inlet and outlet hoses.
Remove inlet fitting and cap all openings to prevent dirt
from entering the system.
4. Unscrew mounting nuts and washers.
work the pump away from timing gear case.
5. Either lift the pump out past the engine manifold
Figure 3.
or remove from the bottom of the truck. The access
of the high pressure and low pressure oils between the
hole may be utilized.
bearings and front cover is prevented by an O-ring and
back-up ring placed o0i each bearing hub and between
the bearings and cover. These pumps also utilize
springs to create an initial pressure loading of the
1. Disassemble in the sequence as indicated by
the numbers on Figure 3.
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