5. After 50 hours operating adjust valve clearances
and retorque cylinder head units, Correct break-in is
important for maximum oil economy and long engine
The safe and efficient use of a lift truck requires skill
life. It should be noted that industrial engines are
and alertness on the part of the operator. To develop
designed to work at higher RPM ranges than stationary
the skill required for safe, efficient truck operation the
installations. The piston rings used exert normal wall
operator should become familiar with the make-up of
pressures at higher RPM's. This is one of the reasons
this truck, understand its capabilities and limitations, and
light operations or prolonged periods of engine idling
see that it is maintained in good mechanical condition.
may result in smoking and excessive oil consumption.
He should become familiar with the various instruments
and acquire a feel for the control levers and foot pedals.
6. Follow
He should read and understand the safe driving and
Maintenance schedule in this manual.
load handling techniques and the safety rules contained
in this manual. And, most important, a qualified person
experienced in operating the truck should guide him
through at least several driving and load handling
operations before he attempts to operate the truck on
his own.
The recommended break-in procedure is as follows:
1. Check all liquid levels,
2. Start engine and run at just above idle with no
load for one-half hour, During this time, check for
external oil leaks and correct oil pressure.
3. Put the unit to work using rated capacity loads. It
is important that engine operating temperatures be
maintained from 180 to 200 degrees during the first few
hundred hours of service. Avoid prolonged periods of
idling as this will lower crankcase temperatures and may
Figure 1.
cause cylinder wall glazing, preventing the piston rings
from seating properly.
4. If the unit cannot be put to work immediately or
The instrument panel is arranged with various gauges
the operation is slow and light, a simulated work
and indicators for checking the performance of the
condition should be initiated. Operate the unit from two
various truck components.
to four hours with rated load, accelerate the truck from
low idle to high idle at full throttle and decelerate to low
1. Generator, or alternator, operation is
idle. Avoid prolonged high idle operation during first 50
hours. This may cause cylinder wall scuffing and
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