or gall. Lubricate all parts with Dexron transmission
fluid during assembly.
Place the piston in the forward-end housing,
using new O-rings in the endhousing. (Fig. 15) Slide
the forward-end housing over the forward gear. (Fig.
Place the assembly in a tubular fixture.
Slide the forward clutch hub onto the spline of the
forward drive gear, making sure the oil holes are
aligned. (Fig. 21) Secure the hub with a snap ring.
Figure 22.
NOTE: The separator plates are
dished and must be installed with
the dish facing the same way on all
plates. It is not important whether
the dish is up or down. (Fig. 23)
Figure 21.
Figure 23.
NOTE: Each separator plate is
slotted to its outside edge in four
Place the clutch ring on top of the end
places. The first plate should be
housing, making sure the bolt holes of each are in line.
placed in the clutch ring so that the
slots are in line with the center holes
in each group of holes of the end
4. Beginning with a separator plate, alternately
housing. (Fig. 24) Do not align the
assemble the separator plates and friction discs into the
second plate with first, but rotate it
clutch ring.
the width of one tooth to the right or
left (Fig. 25) before dropping it into
clutch ring.
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