Orifices in the housing must be open and the pipe plugs
new one to check for looseness. Wrap bearing in clean
tight. All passage ways leading to the piston chamber
paper until it is ready to be installed.
must be open. The ball plugs must fit tight on their
seats and be staked into place. The plate and spacer
If a roller bearing is defective, check its
tangs should not be worn nor their mating surfaces
mating surface for same condition. Replace the part if it
grooved. Slight grooving caused by plate or spacer
is found to be defective.
tangs is permissible. Deeply grooved surfaces would
interfere with clutch application or disengagement,
All bearings should fit tight in their bores.
Replace parts as necessary to insure proper clutch
Ball bearings should fit tight on mating shafts. Except
function, The friction material should be bonded to the
where design permits, the bearing should not rotate in
clutch plates and thickness should be within
the bore or on the shaft, If this condition exists, replace
specifications. The friction material should not be
parts as necessary.
warped, galled or torn. Check the dish of each clutch
plate on a surface. If not within specifications, or if any
Although not absolutely necessary, all O-
of the other foregoing defects are noticed, replace as
rings and seals should be replaced. The O-rings must
necessary. Refer to Specification Listing. Make sure
be free of flat surfaces, cuts, tears or any other form of
the copper tubing in the reverse shaft is tight. Replace
deterioration. Discard if any of these exist. The seal
shaft if it is loose. Compare all springs lengths with
lips should be sharp and smooth. Replace any that are
comparable new springs.
Springs should not be
not. Check the surface making contact with O-rings and
distorted, pitted or show signs of wear. Replace as
seals. The surfaces should be smooth. In most cases,
necessary. Replace the entire set in the clutch packs, if
slight imperfections can be removed with fine
signs of overheating are noticed or if springs of a given
sandpaper. Replace any part if normal service life
pack are of different lengths.
cannot be expected.
11. Check all gears and splines for nicks and
Replace seal rings if machining marks are
burrs. The teeth should not be broken or galled. Minor
worn off, broken, or do not fit correctly in their grooves.
defects can be removed with a fine India stone.
Inspect the mating surfaces; these should be flat.
Replace all parts where excessive wear is noticed.
Replace any part that has impaired sealing surfaces.
12. Check the mainshaft flange (converter
All thrust washers should be free of scores
output shaft) for runout and out-of-round. Converter
and grooves and within specifications. Replace as
must be removed to service main shaft.
necessary. Do not try to repair thrust washers.
Bushings should fit tightly in their bores.
The bearing surfaces should be free of imperfections,
and so should the mating surfaces on the shaft. Minor
defects can be eliminated by sanding with fine
circumstances, assemble any of the
sandpaper, Bushings that are loose must be replaced.
parts dry. If the clutch friction discs
and separator plates are installed
10. Pistons in the clutch pack end covers must
dry, they will overheat and warp
slide into and out of their bores freely.
imperfections may be removed with fine sandpaper.
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