![]() ENGINE
required clearance, it should be removed and reground.
Crankshaft main bearing journals may be reground to
decrease the diameter a maximum of .040 inch.
Figure 41.
Figure 40.
9. Connecting rod bearings and crankpins may be
checked in the same manner with one exception;
instead of trying to turn the crankshaft when the
connecting rod bearing is tightened on it with a piece of
feeler gauge assembled, try to move the connecting rod
from side to side. When the connecting rod is perfectly
free, it will have from .006" to .010" side play and can be
moved by a light touch of the fingers. With feeler stock
assembled having a thickness equal to the maximum
Figure 42.
specified clearance, enough drag should be felt to
require pressure to move the rod from side to side.
shaft thrust plate to the front of the cylinder block, which
makes it possible to pull the camshaft forward out of the
bearings. Unless engine is laying on its side, tappets
must be removed or lifted before camshaft can be
1. Remove valve cover. Then, using a puller,
3. Remove tappet cover. Tappets can then be
remove the cam and crank gears.
lifted out and lined up in sequence, for installation in the
same location, less inspection shows that they require
2. Remove the screws holding the cam
4. Before pulling the camshaft completely, check
the clearance of the bearing journals in the bushing. To
do this, use strips of feeler stock 1/4" wide with edges
dressed with a stone to eliminate any burrs or feathered
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