![]() (b) When the cylinder liner is removed from
liner must be discarded. A slightly scored cylinder
the engine, it should be cleaned, and checked for:
liner may be cleaned up and reused.
1. Out-of-round
(d) Install the cylinder liner in the block and
2. Taper
m e a s u r e the inside diameter of the liner at the
3. Cracks
various points shown in figure 3-65. If the taper
4. Scoring
e x c e e d s 0.002 inch or the out-of-round exceeds
5. Flange irregularities
0.003 inch, replace the liner. To check the
6. Erosion
dimensions, use a dial bore gage which has a dial
(c) A cracked or excessively scored cylinder
indicator calibrated in 0.0001 inch increments (fig.
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