![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
Section 1.
provements, using DA Form 2028 (Recom-
1-1. Scope
m e n d e d Changes to Publications) or by a letter,
This manual is for your use in maintaining
a n d mail directly to Commander, U. S. Army
the Anthony Co. Model MLT-6 (Army Model
T r o o p Support Command, ATTN: AMSTS-MPP,
MHE 200), Chrysler Ccrp. MLT-6CH (Army
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard St. Louis Mo. 63120.
M o d e l 202), and Athey Co. Model ARTFT-6
A reply will be furnished directly to you.
( A r m y Model 222) wheel-mounted rough terrain
f o r k l i f t trucks. They provide information on the
m a i n t e n a n c e of the equipment that is beyond
t h e scope of the tools, equipment, personnel, or
Enemy Use
s u p p l i e s that are normally available to using
Procedures for the destruction of Army
m a t e r i e l to prevent enemy use and explained in
TM 750-244-3.
Maintenance forms and records that you are
required to use are explained in TM 38-750.
1-5. Administrative Storage
1-3. Reporting of Errors
Administrative storage procedures are exp-
lained in TM 740-90-1.
You can improve this manual by calling at-
tention to errors and by recommending im-
10-3930-242-12 for the electrical schematic
1-6. Description
A general description of the forklift trucks, as
FO-1. Hydraulic diagram.
well as the identification and differences in
(Located in back of manual)
models, can be found in TM 10-3930-242-12. Re-
p a i r instructions applicable to Direct and Gen-
(2) E n g i n e .
eral Support maintenance and additional de-
Manufacturer ----------------- Detroit Diesel
M o d e l -------------------- 5043-7000
s c r i p t i v e material, where required, are to be
Series ---------------------- 53 N
f o u n d in the appropriate sections and parag-
Rpm (Revolutions per
minute) no load ------------ 2700 15
Stall speed rpm -------- 2280-2310
Firing order -----------
1-7. Tabulated Data
Number of cylinders --------- 4
Bore --------------------- 3.875 in.
a. Identification and Instruction Plate. E a c h
Stroke ---------------------
4.5 in.
f o r k l i f t truck is provided with a Corp of En-
Compression ratio --------- 21-to-1
gineers "A" plate. This is described in TM
Total displacement-Cu. In. 212.4
Number of main bearings -- 5
(3) E n g i n e g e n e r a t o r .
b . Tabulated Data.
Manufacturer ---------------- Prestolite
(1) G e n e r a l . T h i s s u b p a r a g r a p h c o n t a i n s
Volts -------------------------------- 24V, dc
o v e r h a u l data that is applicable to direct and
M o d e l --------------------- GHA-4804 UT
g e n e r a l support personnel. A hydraulic diagram
(4) T r a n s m i s s i o n .
Manufacturer ----------------- Allison
(fig. FO-1) is also included. Refer to TM
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