![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
Figure 4-2. Torque converter and transmission assembly,
disassembly and reassembly (sheet 4 of 13).
hoist, remove the 18 bolts (119) and lockwashers
( 1 0 3 ) from transmission housing. This will re-
quire a minimum of 4 inches of blocking.
( 1 1 8 ) which retain the housing to the transfer
(5) F o r w a r d
( a ) Place a block of soft metal or hard
Leave four equally spaced bolts while removing the
wood on the hub of the forward planetary; using
others, then loosen these four bolts evenly to re-
a heavy drift and hammer, drive the forward
lieve the compression of the clutch return springs.
p l a n e t a r y carrier (103) out of the ball bearing
(c) Carefully separate transmission hous-
(b) Lift the transmission housing off the
i n g section from transfer housing section to
f o r w a r d planetary carrier. Remove bearing and
avoid dropping clutch piston return springs (97),
r e t a i n e r s and inspect for damage.
and pins (96), and low range clutch plate (89).
(d) While transmission housing assembly
is suspended, remove the 12 clutch piston return
Because of the necessary tight fit bet-
springs and pins. Remove also two external
ween the hub of the forward planetary
t a n g e d (88) and one internal splined (89), low
carrier and the bore of the ball bearing,
r a n g e clutch plate.
the bearing retainers usually bend when
(e) P o s i t i o n t r a n s m i s s i o n h o u s i n g , f r o n t
the carrier is driven from the bearing.
d o w n w a r d , on blocks. Leave sufficient room to
Thus, it is important that retainers and
remove forward planetary carrier assembly
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