![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
Figure 4-2. Torque converter and transmission assembly,
disassembly and reassembly (sheet 5 of 13).
c o v e r (171) with jackscrews in the holes pro-
bearings be removed and inspected be-
fore the transmission is reassembled.
(e) R e m o v e t h e o u t p u t d r i v e g e a r ( 1 8 7 ) ,
Do not remove the ball bearing assemblies from
(c) Remove two clutch plates and forward
the hub of the gear unless replacement is neces-
p l a n e t a r y ring gear from the carrier assembly.
(d) Remove the snap ring (104) and re-
(f) R e m o v e t h e b o l t s a n d w a s h e r s t h a t
verse planetary ring gear (101) from the forward
s e c u r e the transfer idle gear spindle (174). Re-
c a r r i e r assembly (103).
move the transfer idle gear (19), bearing assem-
(e) R e m o v e t h e f o r w a r d c l u t c h p i s t o n
bly, and idler gear spacer (189). Do not remove
( 1 3 0 ) assembly from the transmission housing.
t h e bearing assembly from the idler gear unless
(6) Transfer housing assembly.
r e p l a c e m e n t is necessary. The bearing may be
( a ) Remove the low range clutch piston
removed by removing either of the internal
(164) and hook type seal ring (168) from the front
snap rings (188) which retain it and pressing the
o f the transfer housing.
bearing out.
(b) Remove the front output flange and
(g) R e m o v e t h e b o l t s a n d l o c k w a s h e r s
b e a r i n g retainer (181).
w h i c h secure the rear output shaft bearing re-
(c) Remove the shifter fork (206) from the
t a i n e r , and remove the bearing retainer. Do not
transfer housing. Remove the oil strainer (166).
remove the oil seal unless replacement is neces-
(d) Position the transfer housing assem-
bly, front downward on blocks. Remove the rear
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