![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
tubes. If inspection revealed cracks in the cylin-
cylinder head, the amount of stock removed
s h o u l d be stamped on the face of the fire deck
der head, it should be replaced.
(c) Inspect cam follower bores in cylinder
n e a r the outer edge of the head, in an area not
head for scoring or wear. Light score marks may
used as a sealing surface. Not over 0.020 inch of
be cleaned up with crocus cloth wet with fuel oil.
m e t a l should be removed from the fire deck of
I f bores are excessively scored or worn so that
a n y cylinder head. The distance from the top
c a m follower-to-head clearance exceeds 0.006
d e c k to the bottom (fire deck) of the cylinder
i n c h , replace the cylinder head.
head must not be less than 4.376 inch as shown
i n figure 3-41. After a cylinder head has been
(d) Check valve seat inserts for cracks or
r e f a c e d , and new injector tubes have been in-
burning. Also check valve guides for scoring.
s t a l l e d , the cylinder head should be pressure
(e) Check water nozzles for tightness in
c h e c k e d . The top surface of the cylinder block
f o u r valve cylinder heads. Water nozzles are
w i l l not warp to the extent that machining will
used only in the passages between cylinders. To
b e c o m e necessary, therefore, no warpage limits
i n s t a l l or replace cylinder head water nozzles:
o r machining limits are required.
1. Be sure water inlet ports in bottom of
(b) The cylinder head may be checked for
h e a d are clean and free of scale. Water holes
may be cleaned up with a 5/6-inch diameter drill.
l e a k s using the following procedure:
1. Seal off the waterholes in the head,
B r e a k the edges of holes slightly.
2. Check for press fit of nozzles in cylin-
u s i n g steel plates and suitable rubber gaskets
d e r head. If water holes in head have been en-
held in place by bolts.
2. Install dummy or scrap injectors to
l a r g e d by corrosion, use wooden plug or other
suitable tool to expand nozzle, so that they will
i n s u r e seating of the injector hole tubes. The
r e m a i n tight after installation.
dummy injectors may be made up with old injec-
3. Press the nozzles into place with out-
tor nuts and bodies, the injector spray tip is not
l e t holes positioned toward longitudinal center-
n e c e s s a r y . Tighten the injector clamp bolt to
l i n e of cylinder head. The angle between the
2 5 - 3 0 foot-pounds torque.
3. A p p l y 8 0 - 1 0 0 p s i a i r p r e s s u r e t o
outlet holes in the nozzle is 90. Nozzles should
be from flush to 1/32inch below bottom surface of
w a t e r jacket by drilling and tapping into one of
cylinder head, otherwise interference with
t h e waterhole cover plates for an air hose con-
proper seating of the head on the cylinder block
n e c t i o n . Then immerse the head in a tank of
may be encountered.
water previously heated to 180-200 F. for 20 mi-
n u t e s to thoroughly heat the cylinder head. Ob-
s e r v e the water in the tank for bubbles indicat-
ing cracks or leaks.
When installing plugs in fuel manifolds,
4. F o l l o w i n g t h e p r e s s u r e t e s t , d r y t h e
apply a small amount of sealant that is
h e a d with compressed air.
merchandised as a "dual purpose sealer"
5. R e p l a c e a n y l e a k i n g i n j e c t o r h o l e
to threads of plugs only. Work sealant
faces of cylinder head.
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