![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
into threads and wipe off excess with
g. Install Cylinder Head.
clean, lintfree cloth so that sealant will
not be washed into the fuel system and
Water seals, oil seals, and compression gaskets
result in serious damage to the injectors.
should NEVER be reused.
When a new cylinder head is to be used,
( 1 ) Install new cylinder head compression
the parts listed below should be removed
g a s k e t s , and seals, as outlined below:
from the old head and installed in the new
(a) Install new compression gaskets on
head. If the old cylinder head is to be
e a c h cylinder liner.
reused, the parts listed below should be
(b) Place new seal rings in counterbores
installed in the old head prior to assembl-
of water and oil holes in cylinder block.
ing the cylinder block.
(c) Install new oil seal in rectangular mil-
e. Install Parts in Cylinder Head. New s e r v i c e
l e d groove near the outer edge of the area co-
cylinder heads for replacement purposes are
v e r e d by the cylinder head.
e q u i p p e d with valve guides, valve seat inserts,
(2) To install the cylinder head without dis-
e x h a u s t manifold studs, water nozzles, injector
turbing the gaskets and seals, special guide
h o l e tubes, and necessary plugs.
s t u d s must be used. Install the cylinder head
(1) Exhaust valves and springs (para 3-20).
guide studs, diagonally opposite, in end cylinder
(2) Push rod assemblies, cam followers, cam
block bolts holes.
f o l l o w e r guides, rocker arm shaft, and rocker
( 3 ) The cylinder head must be gradually
arms (para 3-15).
a n d uniformly drawn down against the gaskets
( 3 ) Place new washers on fuel connectors;
and seals to insure a good seal between the cy-
then install fuel connectors and tighten to 20-28
l i n d e r head and block. Therefore, it is vitally
f o o t - p o u n d s torque.
i m p o r t a n t that the cylinder head be installed
( 4 ) Install fuel injectors (para 3-14) at this
with the utmost care. Install cylinder head
t i m e or after installing cylinder head.
bolts; then, beginning on camshaft side of head
f. Preinstallation inspection. T h e f o l l o w i n g
t a k e up tension in follower springs by tighten-
i n s p e c t i o n s should be made just prior to instal-
ing bolts lightly. Finally, tighten bolts to
l i n g the cylinder head on the engine. These in-
170-180 foot-pounds torque with a torque
s p e c t i o n s should be made regardless of whether
wrench, about one-half turn at at time, in sequ-
t h e head was removed from the engine for ser-
e n c e shown in figure 3-42. Under no circums-
v i c i n g only the head assembly, or to facilitate
t a n c e s should the torque exceed the specified
other repairs to the engine. Wipe bottom of cy-
limits, o t h e r w i s e t h e b o l t s m a y b e c o m e
l i n d e r head clean. Lower cylinder head over
s t r e t c h e d beyond their elastic limits.
s t u d s and into place on cylinder block. A final
( 4 ) If the injectors were not previously in-
v i s u a l check of all cylinder head gaskets and
s t a l l e d , refer to paragraph 3-14 and install in-
s e a l s should be made to insure that they are in
p l a c e just before the cylinder head is lowered
( 5 ) Set injector control tube assembly in
onto the cylinder block. This is a very important
p l a c e on cylinder head and tighten holddown
check. Compression gaskets and seals which are
b o l t s , fingertight only. When positioning injec-
j a r r e d out of their proper position will lead to
tor control tube, be sure that ball end of injector
l e a k s and "blow-by" with resultant poor engine
control rack levers engage the slots in the injec-
p e r f o r m a n c e and damage to engine.
t o r control racks. With one end of the control
( 1 ) Check cylinder liner flange height with
t u b e , return spring hooked around one injector
r e l a t i o n s h i p to the cylinder block.
r a c k control lever and the other end hooked
(2) Check to be sure tops of pistons are clean
a r o u n d the control tube bracket; tighten brac-
a n d free of foreign material.
ket bolts with a 7/16-inch universal socket wrench
(3) Check to see that ALL of the push rods
to 10-12 foot-pounds torque. After tightening
a r e threaded into their clevis until the end of
b o l t s , revolve tube and see if the return spring
the push rod projects through the clevis. This is
p u l l s the injector racks OUT (NO FUEL POSI-
i m p o r t a n t since serious engine damage will be
T I O N ) after they have been moved all the way
p r e v e n t e d when the engine is cranked or barred
I N (FULL FUEL POSITION). Since the injec-
o v e r during tuneup.
tor control tube is mounted in self-aligning
( 4 ) Check cylinder block and cylinder head
b e a r i n g s , tapping the tube lightly with a soft
g a s k e t surfaces and counterbores to ascertain
h a m m e r will remove any bind that exists. The
t h a t these sealing surfaces are clean and free
injector racks MUST return to the no fuel posi-
f r o m foreign material.
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