![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
affect the flatness of the head. Therefore, the
bottom (fire deck) of the cylinder head should be
checked for flatness as follows:
The maximum allowable warpage limits should
(a) U s i n g a n a c c u r a t e s t r a i g h t e d g e a n d
be used as a guide in determining the advisabil-
f e e l e r gage, check for transverse warpage at
ity of reinstalling the head on the engine or of
e a c h end and between all cylinders.
refacing it. The number of times a cylinder head
Also check for longitudinal warpage in six
may be refaced will, of course, depend upon the
p l a c e s . Maximum allowable warpage is given
a m o u n t of stock removed from the head during
previous reworking operations. When refacing a
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