![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
It is not a high-pressure-injection-type pump.
s e m b l e the rocker arm and push rod.
T h e fuel pump circulates an excess supply of
f u e l through the injectors and unused portions
r o c k e r arm and push rods.
go back to the fuel tank by means of a fuel re-
g. Adjustment.
t u r n manifold and fuel return line. A spring-
(1) Refer to figure 3-35 and adjust push
loaded relief valve (20, fig. 3-36) is incorporated
in the pump body (5) and is activated when out-
(2) Install
l e t pressure exceeds 65-75 psi. Fuel is returned
t h r o u g h an internal passage from pressure side
to suction side of pump. There are two holes in
3 - 1 6 . Fuel Pump
the pump body (5) between the seals (13 and 14)
a. General. The fuel pump is mounted to the
t o provide a means of drawing off leakage. If
governor. The pump circulates, or transfers,
l e a k a g e exceeds one drop per minute, the seals
fuel from the fuel supply tank to fuel injectors.
m u s t be replaced. The fuel pump should main-
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