![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
tain 50-to 70-psi on the output side at 1800 rpm,
ing solvent such as P-D-080, or equal. Dry
engine speed. Lift on the suction should not ex-
ceed 48 inches. To check the fuel flow:
( 2 ) Inspect all parts for excessive wear and
s c o r i n g . Inspect mating surfaces of the pump
( 1 ) Disconnect fuel return line at fuel tank,
or source of supply, and hold open end of pipe in
b o d y and cover. They must be smooth and flat.
a suitable container,
Remove all nicks and burs with a fine file.
( 2 ) Start and run engine at 1200 rpm and
( 3 ) Discard and replace all gaskets. Repair
m e a s u r e fuel flow return for one minute. Ap-
o r replace all parts as necessary.
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 3-36 and reas-
proximately one-half gallon of fuel should be
semble fuel pump, as follows:
( 3 ) If fuel flow is insufficient for satisfac-
( 1 ) Install fuel pump driven gear (10, fig.
t o r y engine performance, clean or replace fuel
w h i c h is not squared (with the slot in the gear
facing the plain end of the shaft) to prevent
( 4 ) If fuel flow is still insufficient, replace
s e c o n d a r y fuel filter and recheck fuel flow. If
scoring the gear. Press gear beyond locking ball
retaining hold. Place ball in hole and press gear
f u e l flow is unsatisfactory, replace fuel pump.
back until end of slot contacts ball.
( 5 ) Clean all lines and insure all fuel line
( 2 ) Place gear (10) and shaft (11) in pump
c o n n e c t i o n s are tight,
body (5) with chamfered end of gear teeth facing
b. R e m o v a l .
p u m p body.
( 1 ) Remove
(3) Apply thin coat of sealer to face of cover
a n d assemble pump. Use the remaining compo-
(2) Cap fuel lines.
nents, as shown in figure 3-36.
(4) Rotate pump by hand to insure that
a s s e m b l e fuel pump.
p a r t s operate freely. If binding exists, disas-
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
s e m b l e and determine cause.
(1) Clean all parts, thoroughly, using clean-
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