![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
(2) Refer to figure 3-31 and remove rocker
( 3 ) Inspect rocker arms for cracks, breaks,
a r m s and push rod.
a n d other damage. Examine bearing surfaces of
the rocker arms for excessive wear and scoring.
a s s e m b l e rocker arms and push rods.
R e p l a c e damaged or defective rocker arms.
(4) Inspect rocker arm shaft for wear, scor-
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
ing, and ridges from the action of rocker arms on
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly, using a sol-
the shaft. Replace a damaged or defective
vent such as P-D-680, or equal. Dry thoroughly.
r o c k e r arm shaft.
( 2 ) Clean all lubrication oil passages with
( 5 ) Inspect push rods for warpage, cracks,
c o m p r e s s e d air.
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