![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
serve spray pattern to see that all spray
(c) Check for leak at injector rack open-
orifaces are open and injecting evenly.
ing. A leak indicates a poor bushing-to-body fit.
The beginning and ending of injection
(d) A leak around spray tip or seal ring
should be sharp and fuel injection should
usually is caused by a loose injector nut, a dam-
be finely atomized.
a g e d seal ring, or a rough surface on injector
nut or spray tip.
(3) Spray pattern test. Mount injector in the
(e) A leak at filter cap indicates a loose
t e s t e r . Place the injector rack in the full fuel
filter cap or a damaged filter cap gasket.
position and operate the pump handle until fuel
(f) A "Dribble" at the spray tip orifaces
p r e s s u r e is 200-250 psi; then close fuel shutoff
indicates a leaking valve assembly due to a
d a m a g e d surface or dirt.
(4) Visual inspection of plunger. An injector
w h i c h passes the previous test should have the
To prevent damage to the pressure gage,
p l u n g e r checked visually, under a magnifying
do not exceed 250 psi during test. Oper-
g l a s s , for excessive wear or a possible chip on
t h e bottom helix. There is a small area on the
ate injector several times in succession
bottom helix and lower portion of upper helix, if
by operating tester handle at approxi-
mately 40 strokes per minute and ob-
chipped, that will not be indicated in any of the
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