![]() TM10-3930-242-12
(1) Clean the stoplights, blackout lights,
Horn, and Taillights.
headlights, and taillights lenses with a damp cloth
and dry thoroughly. Clean horn with low pressure
compressed air.
stoplights, blackout lights, headlights, horn, and
(2) Inspect all lights for cracked or broken
lenses, loose hardware, and functioning light bulbs.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Inspect all wiring to lights and horn for cuts and
deterioration. Replace all defective parts.
Compressed air used for cleaning pur-
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-29 and install
poses will not exceed 30 psi. Use only
stoplights, blackout lights, headlights, horn, and
with effective chip guarding and personal
protective equipment (goggles/shield,
g l o v e s , etc.)
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