![]() TM10-3930-242-12
7052-103 is a part of adapter set NSN
Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
(2) When a high-charging rate with fully
clean parts is potentially dangerous to
personnel and property. Do not use near
charged batteries is indicated, operate the unit at
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point
half throttle and disconnect the field jumper. If the
of solvent is 138F.
output remains high, the fault is in the generator. If
the output drops to zero, the fault is in the
4-32. General
regulator. Replace a defective regulator and/or
This section contains information for organizational
maintenance of the electrical system.
(3) When a low or no-charging rate with par-
tially or fully discharged batteries, inspect for loose
Before disconnecting any electrical
connections or damaged wiring. If none are found,
components, make sure battery cables are
stop the engine and disconnect the field jumper.
disconnected at batteries to prevent a
Momentarily connect a jumper wire between the
serious bum or shock to personnel or
field terminal and the positive terminal of the
damage to equipment. Disconnect bat-
batteries to polarize the generator. Reconnect the
tery ground cable first. When recon-
field jumper and start the engine. If the charging
necting batteries, starter, or any bare,
rate does not increase as the engine speed is in-
unprotected wires, coat with silicone
creased, slow the engine and connect a jumper wire
rubber adhesive.
between the armature and field terminals. If the
charging rate does not increase as the engine speed
is increased, the generator is faulty. Replace a
a On-Equipment Testing of Generator and
defective generator and/or regulator.
Voltage Regulator.
b. Removal.. Refer to figure 4-21 and remove the
(1) Refer to figure 4-20 and install adapter P/N
engine generator.
7052-103 in the generator receptacle. (Adapter, P/N
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
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