![]() steering pump adjusting screw to a
(4) Remove cotter pin and slotted nut at
point where 18 to 22 foot-pounds of
steering knuckle, then tap ball and
torque is required to slip the pulley
socket out of knuckle. Remove tie rod
on the belt. Tighten locknut against
adjusting screw, then recheck torque
d. Removal (MHE-190).
slip valve.
(1) Block truck up to a height suitable to
(2) If a new power steering pump drive
work from underneath.
belt is used, tighten adjusting screw to
a point where 24 to 28 foot-pounds of
(2) Remove wheels (para. 55e).
torque is required to slip the pulley
(3) Remove cotter pins, then loosen end
on the belt. This is the initial tension-
plugs at center steering lever and at
ing required for a new belt.
steering knuckle sufficiently to remove
(3) Retension the belt again after the first
tie rod from ball studs.
50 hours operation to the same torque
e. Repair. Replace defective parts with new
value. After another 50 hours opera-
tion, readjust to the 18 to 22 foot-
pounds of torque.
f. Installation. Reverse procedures in c or d
g. Toe-In Adjustments. With truck in level
a. Removal.
surface and steering wheels set straight ahead,
(1) Disconnect hoses at reservoir and
measure distance between rear wheels at hub
height on rim. Mark point where measurement
drain hydraulic oil.
was made. Move truck forward until these
(2) Loosen clamp nuts (fig. 30) then re-
marks are on opposite side of axle, then meas-
ure distance between the two wheels at hub
b. Installation. Reverse procedures in a
heights at this point. The distance between
these two measurements is the toe-in or toe-
out. If the markings are closer together at the
c. Removal of Element.
front than at the rear, the wheels are toed-in.
(1) Remove screw, flat washer, and gas-
If the markings are closer together at the rear
kets, then separate cover from reser-
than at the front the wheels are toed-out. Ad-
voir. Remove gasket.
just toe-in from 0 to 1/8 inch by loosening clamp
(2) Remove spring, filter cap, and filter
nuts and turning the tie rod tubes until desired
element from reservoir.
adjustment is obtained.
d. Cleaning. Remove excess oil, then clean in-
terior and exterior of reservoir with SD and
dry thoroughly.
a. Removal. Disconnect tail and stoplight
cable at connection. Remove cable clamp. Re-
e. Installation. Reverse procedure in c above.
move counterweight. Loosen locknut, then un-
Use a new element and gasket.
screw pump adjusting screw sufficiently to al-
low removal of power steering belt. Remove
a. General. The power steering hydraulic
b. Inspection. Inspect belt for wear, fraying,
makes up a portion of the entire length of the
deterioration, or oil soaked condition.
rear drag link assembly. At the piston rod end
of the cylinder, a rod end containing ball seats,
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in a above
threaded end plug and a clamp to anchor the
and adjust belt.
rod end to the piston rod. At the opposite end
d. Adjustment.
of the cylinder, a tube is connected between
(1) Loosen locknut, then tighten power
the cylinder and the center steering lever. The
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