![]() (4) Remove mounting bolt, nut, and lock-
washer, and the mounting capscrew
a. General. The brake pedal is connected to
and lockwasher.
an operating lever which is connected to an
(5) Remove master cylinder.
adjustable yoke installed in the master cylinder
push rod. The adjustable yoke provides the
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in a above,
means for adjusting brake pedal free play.
then bleed hydraulic system (c below).
b. Service Brake Pedal Adjustment. T h e
c. Bleeding Hydraulic Brake System.
brake pedal must have sufficient free play to
permit the master cylinder piston to return to
(1) Fill master cylinder. Attach rubber
its released position and uncover the fluid re-
hose to the end of the wheel cylinder
turn hole in the reservoir. The hydraulic pres-
bleeder screw and extend the open end
sure built up in the wheel cylinders returns
of the hose in a receptacle containing
through this relief hole to release the brake-
brake fluid.
shoes. If pressure is not permitted to bleed
(2) Loosen the bleeder screw one-half
back through the relief hole, the brakes will
turn. Then slowly depress and release
drag and eventually lock the wheels. If brake
the brake pedal until fluid runs out
pedal play is excessive, the brake pedal will be
of the base in a steady stream without
low even with the brake adjusted correctly.
bubbles. Tighten bleeder screw.
Brake pedal adjustment is made at the factory
and should not have to be changed until brake
pedal linkage becomes worn. Adjust linkage as
a. Removal.
(1) Loosen locknut on master cylinder ad-
(1) Remove wheels (para. 55a or b).
justable yoke,
(2) Unhook pedal return spring from yoke
(2) Remove grease shield (para. 51b) (1)
connecting pin, then remove yoke con-
through (3).
necting pin to disconnect operating
(3) Remove brakeshoes and lining (para.
lever from adjustable yoke.
(3) Turn yoke to shorten or lengthen the
(4) Disconnect brake line tubing at wheel
linkage as desired. Correct adjust-
ment is obtained when pedal moves
inch before push rod contacts master
(5) With suitable Allen wrench, remove
cylinder piston.
two capscrews and lockwashers that
(4) Connect yoke to operating lever and
attach wheel cylinder to axle housing.
install yoke connecting pin. Install
(6) Remove wheel cylinder.
pedal return spring.
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in a above,
(5) Tighten locknut when correct adjust-
ment is obtained.
then bleed hydraulic system (para. 52c).
(4) Remove wheel from spindle.
(5) Remove grease shield and inner bear-
a. Drive Wheel Removal (MHE-191).
ing cone from drive gear side of the
(1) Block up front end of truck to clear
wheels of floor.
(6) Tap out bearing cups from wheel hub
(2) Remove capscrews, lockwashers and
using a brass drift positioned in hub
(3) Bend ears of lock plate away from nut,
(7) Repeat above procedures for the other
then remove nut, lock plate, key
washer and outer bearing cone.
AGO 6217A
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