![]() (2) Cleaning. Loosen bowl thumb nut and
27. Fuel Tank and Fuel Filter
remove bowl. Remove element with
a. Fuel Tank.
fingers. Clean bowl and element with
(1) Removal.
SD and dry thoroughly with com-
(a) Disconnect battery ground strap at
pressed air. Replace element that can-
battery. Disconnect wire at tank
not be cleaned thoroughly. Install ele-
ment with fingers, then install filter
(b) Observing fire regulations, remove
bowl with new gasket.
drain plug and drain tank. Discon-
(3) Installation. Reverse procedure in (1)
nect fuel lines. Unscrew and re-
move fuel tank cap.
(c) Remove screws and washers, then
28. Governor
remove tank from underside of ve-
Governor high speed adjustment (fig. 11)
can be regulated by varying tension on the gov-
(2) Cleaning. Flush tank out with SD.
ernor rod spring. Surging of the engine can be
(3) Installation. Reverse procedures in
eliminated by adjusting the surge adjusting
(1) above.
screw located in the timing gear cover. Proceed
as follows to adjust governor, and to eliminate
b. Fuel Filter.
(1) Removal. Disconnect fuel line at each
side of the filter, then remove filter.
a. To increase or decrease engine speed,
Remove elbow and nipple from filter.
loosen locknut on the end of the governor rod.
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