![]() 26. Air Cleaner
(d) The reading on the gage is the static
pressure of the fuel pump. Reading
a. Cleaning.
should be between 3 to 4 psi.
(1) Turn air cleaner cup clockwise (fig.
(e) Replace pump if static pressure test
4) then remove cup and air chamber.
shows an underpressure or an over-
Remove air chamber from cup.
pressure reading.
(2) Clean cup and air chamber with SD.
(2) Capacity test. The capacity test meas-
(3) Refill to level indicated in center of air
ures the amount of fuel that the pump
chamber with seasonal OE (fig. 1).
will deliver in excess of fuel needed to
operate the engine at idling speed.
b. Removal.
(a) Attach a T-fitting in carburetor in-
(1) Disconnect air cleaner hose at air
(b) Connect fuel line to T-fitting.
(c) Start engine and not time necessary
(2) Loosen bracket screw, nut, and wash-
to fill a l-quart measure with fuel
from remaining outlet of T-fitting.
(3) Lift out air cleaner.
Adequate fuel delivery is available
when a full quart flows in 1 minute
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in b above.
or less at 500 rpm.
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