![]() (2) Loosen locknut next to ball joint.
Turn adjusting nut clockwise to increase engine
speed and counterclockwise to decrease engine
(3) Turn ball joint clockwise to shorten
speed until the correct setting is obtained.
cable and counterclockwise to lengthen
Tighten locknut against adjusting nut after
correct speed adjustment is obtained.
(4) When adjustment is made, tighten
locknut and reconnect ball joint to re-
b. When correct speed adjustment is ob-
lay lever.
tained, a slight surge may show up in operation.
To eliminate this surge, loosen locknut at tim-
(5) Working through opening over right
ing gear cover, then turn adjusting screw in or
front wheel, unhook accelerator return
out as necessary. Loosen the adjusting screw
spring from pin through bellcrank
if engine speed surges at high speed and tighten
and remove pin.
the screw if engine speed surges at idling
(6) Loosen locknut that is next to clevis.
speed. Tighten locknut when desired adjust-
ment is obtained.
(7) Turn clevis on end of cable to obtain
desired adjustment, then tighten lock-
(8) Install pin to attach clevis to bell-
adjusted at either the clevis near the accelerator
crank. Connect accelerator return
pedal or at the ball joint near the carburetor
spring to clevis pin.
relay lever. Proceed as follows:
(1) Remove nut and washer that attaches
plete accelator pedal and linkage. It is an ex-
cable ball joint to carburetor relay
tremely rare occasion when the complete sys-
lever, then disconnect ball joint at
tern must be replaced. Replace only those parts
relay lever.
which are damaged or unserviceable.
AGO 6217A
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