![]() (7) Pistons.
(2) Camshaft.
Type ------------------------------------ Cam ground
Driven by ------------------------------Crankshaft helical gear
Material -------------------------------- Aluminum
Journal diameters:
Cylinder diameter-------------------- 3..4375 in..
Front ------------------------------1.8715 to 1.8725 in.
Clearance (piston-to-
0.003 in. feeler gage with
Intermediate front --------------1.8085 to 1.8095 in.
cylinder wall).
a 5- to 10-lb. pull.
Intermediate rear ---------------1.7457 to 1.7465 in.
Pin hole diameter 8592 to 0.8594 in.
Rear -------------------------------1.7470 to 1.7475 in.
Sleeve bearings:
(8) Valve guides.
Number--------------------------- 4
Type ------------------------------------ Removable
Type-------------------------------Babbitt replaceable
Outside diameter -------------------- 0.6565 (min.) to 0.657X5 in.
Clearance ---------------------0.002 to 0.004 in.
Inside diameter -----------------1.8755 in.
Distance between top of ---------- 115/32 in.
Timing gear ---------------------Timing mark should be in
guide to top of cylinder block.
line with that of crankshaft
(9) Valve lifters.
timing gear to properly time
Type ------------------------------------ Barrel
Clearance in guide ------------------ 0.0005 in.
(3) Connecting rods.
(10) Valve springs.
Type ------------------------------------Drop-forged I-beam
Number -------------------------------- 6
Free ------------------------------- 21/16 in.
Twist and bend -----------------------0.001 in. (allowable)
Closed---------------------------- 1 21/32 in.
Sleeve bearings ---------------------- Precision it, replaceable
Pressure in closed
47 to 53 lb.
Diameter -------------------------1.9365 to 1.9375 in.
(11) Valves.
Taper or out-of round
0.001 in. (allowable)
Type ------------------------------------ Poppet
Clearance (crank 0.001 in.
Stem diameter:
shaft journal-to-
Intake ----------------------------- 0.3406 in.
Exhaust -------------------------- 0.3357 in.
Torque wrench pull
35 to 40 ft.-lb.
Stem clearance in guide:
on nuts.
Intake ---------------------------- 0.0015 in.
(4) Crankshaft.
Exhaust -------------------------- 0.0045 in.
Type ------------------------------------Counterbalanced
Operating clearance:
Thrust taken by-----------------------Front main bearing
Intake and exhaust ------------ 0.014 in. (hot)
End play -------------------------------0.005 to 0.009 in.
Seat angle:
Taper or out-of-round ---------------0201 in. (allowable).
Intake ----------------------------- 30
Main bearings:
Exhaust -------------------------- 45
2.249 to 2.250 in.
b.Generator Specifications.
Desired clearance
0201 to 0.0032 in.
Make ----------------------------------- Delco-Remy
Taper or out-of-round
0.0005 in. (allowable)
Model----------------------------------- 1102221
Torque wrench pull
85 to 90 ft.-lb.
Type ------------------------------------ Ventilated
on capscrews
Voltage--------------------------------- 12
(5) Piston pins.
Amperage ----------------------------- 20 at 14 v.
Type ------------------------------------Floating
Rotation (drive end) ----------------- Clockwise
Diameter -------------------------------0.8591 to 0.8593 in.
Brush spring tension ---------------- 28 oz.
Fit in piston boss---------------------Palm-push fit
Field coil draw:
Fit in connecting rod ----------------Thumb-push fit
Volts ------------------------------ 12
Amperes ------------------------- 1.62 to 1.82
(6) Piston rings.
Starting Motor Specifications.
Number per piston:
Make ----------------------------------- Delco-Remy
Compression --------------------2
Model----------------------------------- 1107264
Oil ---------------------------------2
Type ------------------------------------ Barrel-solenoid
Gap clearance:
Voltage--------------------------------- 12
Compression (2 top
0.007 in.
Rotation-------------------------------- Clockwise
Brush spring tension ---------------- 35 oz.
Oil (2 lower rings) -------------- 0.007 in.
No load test:
Side clearance:
Compression (2 top
0.0035 in.
Maximum amperes ------------ 49
Minimum revolutions---------- 6,200
Oil (2 lower rings) -------------- 0.003 in.
per minute.
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