![]() CHAPTER 1
Section I. GENERAL
4. Recommended Changes
Users of this manual are encouraged to submit
a. This manual is published for use by personnel
recommended changes or comments.
responsible for field maintenance (third and fourth
should be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and
echelons) and depot maintenance (fifth echelon) of the
line of the text in which the change is recommended.
Truck, Lift, Fork, Gasoline, Pneumatic-Tired Wheels,
Reasons should be provided to insure understanding
15,000-pound capacity, (Hyster Model H150C, Army
and complete evaluation.
Comments should be
Model MHE 178) Federal Stock Number 3930-8974632,
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
procured under contract number N600 (MIS) 57085.
to DA Technical Manual Parts Lists or Supply Manual 7,
b. The maintenance services described in this
8, or 9) direct to Commandant, U.
S. Army
manual are based upon the maintenance allocation
Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, Va. 23801.
chart which is published in TM 10-3930-222-20 and the
repair parts and special tools list which is published as
5. Orientation
TM 10-3930-222-35P.
Throughout this manual, the use of the terms right,
left, front, and rear indicates directions from the
viewpoint of the operator sitting in the seat of the truck,
The appendix is a list of current references
except that these dires ons do not apply to the engine
applicable to third, fourth, and fifth echelons of
after its removal from the truck.
Forms and Records
The maintenance forms, records, and reports to
be used in the field and depot maintenance of this truck
are listed and described in TM 38-750.
Stroke ---------------------------------- 4.375 in.
Brake horsepower ------------------- 73 at 2,200 rpm (max.)
The general description of the truck will be found in TM
Displacement ------------------------- 244 cu. in.
10-3930-222-10 and additional descriptive material,
Firing order --------------------------- 1-5-3-6-2-4
applicable to the particular assembly, will be found in
Cylinder compression:
TM 10-3930-222-20.
Ratio------------------------------------ 6.9 to 1
Pressure (each cylin
135 to 140 psi (a
Tabulated Data
der, with plugs re-
maximum of 10%
a. Engine Specifications.
moved, at normal
allowable variation
(1) Overall unit.
cranking speed and
between cylinders).
Make----------------------------------------------------- Continental
throttle wide open).
Model ---------------------------------------------------- FS 244-6062
Torque (at 1,200 rpm) -------------- 192 ft.-lb.
Bore------------------------------------------------------ 4375 in.
S.A.E. horsepower ----------------- 28.4
Governed speed --------------------- 2,400 rpm
AGO 7010A
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