![]() TM 10-3930-222-20
equipment, be sure to attach hooks, chains, or cables
a. 15 to 30 Days. While the truck is in storage,
only to places marked LIFT HERE.
inspect and operate it (for a period of 15 to 20 minutes)
one or more times each 15 to 30 days. Check the truck
b. Clearances. Position the truck on a flatcar so that
for leaks and proper functioning of all components.
the flatcar brake handwheel will have proper clearance
on all sides, and so that overall car clearances will
b. 30 Days. In addition to the services in a above,
conform to requirements of the Association of American
test each truck under full load every 30 days, and check
Railroad rules.
the carburetor and fuel pump for leaks. Maneuver the
truck in all directions and in all gear ratios for 10 to 15
c. Brakes. After the truck is in position on the
minutes. After testing, correct deficiencies as directed
flatcar, set the handbrake lever and wire down the
in paragraph 87b.
service brake pedal, or place a block between the brake
pedal and the equipment frame to hold the pedal in the
c. 180 Days. At the end of 180 days, examine and
applied position.
service the truck as indicated below; correct deficiencies
as directed in paragraph 87b.
d. Cover. Place a tarpaulin or a cover of similar
(1) Adjust the V-belt (pal. 37) arid clean the fuel
material over the truck when the truck is to be shipped
pump assembly (par. 29) if necessary.
on an open car.
(2) Check alinement, steering, and gear shifting
e. Securing Truck. To secure the truck to flatcar,
(3) Check the brake linkage.
Tighten the
proceed as follows:
hydraulic lines if necessary.
(1) Spike the blocks on the flatcar floor, one at
(4) Lubricate the truck thoroughly in accordance
the front and one at the rear of each wheel.
with instructions on LO 10-3930-22-20.
The sides of the blocks should not project
(5) Inspect all electrical connections and make
beyond the outsides of the tires.
necessary adjustments.
Spray insulating
(2) Put two cleats, each the approximate length of
compound (Compound, Insulating, Ignition,
the wheel and tire, against the outside surface
U.S. Army Specification No. 3-182) or, coils,
of each wheel.
distributor, generator, spark plugs, starting
(3) Spike the lower cleat to the flatcar floor and
motor, regulator, and wiring, but not into
the top cleat to the lower cleat.
commutator openings.
(4) Pass at least four strands of strong wire
around the axle or another strong component
90. Loading and Blocking on Railroad Cars
at one end of the truck, and fasten the wire
a. Loading. Load and unload the truck under its own
through the stake pocket on the flatcar.
power, whenever possible, using permanent ramps or
Fasten the other end of truck in the same
spanning platforms. If the truck cannot operate under its
manner. Tighten all wires by inserting a rod in
own power, push, tow, or lift it into position. When lifting
the strands of the wire and twisting.
91. General
92. Methods
Do not destroy the truck except on order of proper
a. Controls. Smash all controls, including steering
authority, and demolish it only to prevent capture and
use of the truck by the enemy. Destroy the same parts
on all similar equipment to prevent enemy use through
b. Gasoline Engine. Pierce or smash cylinder block
beside distributor. Damage crankshaft and camshaft.
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