![]() TM 10-3930-222-20
will be stored for a longer period, follow the procedures
86. General
in MIL-STD-162A and Specification MIL-E-10062A.
These instructions apply to the truck that is to be
ready for immediate use upon arrival from shipment, or
d. Cleaning and Painting. Wash the truck and
the truck that will be out of service for a period not to
remove any debris from the floor and the engine
exceed 6 months. Instructions pertaining to oversea
compartment. Remove rust and corrosion, and scrape
shipment are contained in MIL-STD-162A.
any flaked and peeling paint; then dry all surfaces to be
painted or coated with preservatives.
Repaint as
87. Preparatory Services
required to protect against deterioration.
a. Inspection and Operational Test. Perform the
Specification JAN-P-735 (FSN 8010-161-7419) for
services listed in the maintenance indicator checklist
primer coating. Use enamel, yellow, gloss, color No.
13538, Federal Specification TT-E489, Federal
Standard 595 (FSN 8010-2867758, FSN 8010-527-2045
b. Correcting Deficiencies. Correct all deficiencies if
and FSN 8010-616-7488) for the finish coating. Apply
facilities are available for such service. If repairs are
PL-Medium to exposed surfaces susceptible to rust or
beyond the scope of organizational maintenance, refer
corrosion and not otherwise protected. Clean all tires
them to a higher echelon for correction.
88. Preparation of Truck
e. Accessories.
a. Electrical System. Leave the battery in the truck
(1) Remove the seat cushion, backrest, headlight,
but be sure the ground lead is disconnected. Tape the
taillight, and fire extinguisher from the truck.
terminal end of the ground lead to prevent the battery
Place these components in a box, mark the
from discharging accidentally. Use Tape, Adhesive,
box to identify it with the truck, and fasten the
Pressure Sensitive, Water-Resistant, Type 1, Grade B,
box securely to the truck.
60-Yard Roll, 2-Inch Width, Federal Stock No. 7510-
(2) Secure the hood assembly and seal it with
269-8090. Attach a tag to the steering wheel to advise
personnel that the ground lead has been disconnected.
89. Storage Instructions
b. Cooling System. Following the instructions in
Provide access to the truck during storage. Do not
block the truck, but be sure that the tires are not resting
and drain. If rust appears, use cleaning compound.
on surfaces that are contaminated with grease or oil.
After draining, fill system with proper amounts of coolant
Cover the truck if it is to be stored outdoors. During
and corrosion inhibitor compound.
storage, inspect and operate the truck at the intervals
and in the manner described below.
c. Fuel Tank. Do not drain the fuel from the tank if
the truck is to be stored for less than 90 days. If the
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