![]() TM 10-3930-647-14&P
2-1. Maintenance Concept.
2.2 Reliability and Maintainability.
a Maintenance operations. The 4,000-Lb. Clark
Reliability and maintainability (RAM) will be
model C500Y45 will not require special or new main-
assessed through the field evaluation of current
tenance considerations. Maintenance operations can
users. Specific numerical RAM requirements or ob-
be accomplished within the current maintenance
jectives are not established.
support concept for material handling equipment.
2.3 Modifications.
b. Nature and Extent of Maintenance.
(1) Maintenance allocation chart (MAC). Main-
Modifications will be accomplished by the end item
tenance will be performed as necessary by the
manufacturer after MERADCOM acceptance and
category indicated in the MAC (app. C) to retain
TACOM approval.
and/or restore serviceability. Units may exceed their
2.4 Equipment Improvement Recommendations
authorized scope and function in the MAC when ap-
proved by the appropriate commander.
Equipment improvement recommendations will be
(2) Operator maintenance. Operator main-
submitted IAW DA Pam 738-750.
tenance is limited to daily preventive maintenance
checks and routine servicing (app. F).
2.5 Equipment Serviceability.
(3) Organizational maintenance. Organizational
maintenance consists of scheduled preventive main-
For Equipment serviceability criteria, see appendix
tenance services, limited removal, minor repair and
adjustments (app F).
2.6 Shipment and Storage.
(4) Direct support maintenance. Direct support
maintenance consists of repairs on-site and for
a. Shipment and Storage. Refer to TB 740-97-2
return to the user of the end item/assemblies which
for procedures covering preservation of equipment
can be maintained efficiently with a minimum of
for shipment. General procedures for shipment are
tools and test equipment.
found in FM 55-15, with more specific information
(5) General support maintenance. General sup
in TM 55-2200-001-12 for rail and TM 55-450
port will overhaul and repair for return to stock
series for air transport.
items designated by the area support commander.
b. Administrative Storage. Refer to TM
(6) Depot maintenance. There is no scheduled
740-90-1 for instructions covering administrative
depot maintenance on the 4,000-lb. Clark model
storage of equipment.
c. Weight
c. Maintenance Expenditure Limit. The Main-
classification of the end item is 8668 pounds.
tenance expenditure limit is based on a life ex-
2.7 Destruction To Deny Enemy Use.
pectancy of 11 years. Limits on repair are based
upon 50% replacement cost through the life ex-
Refer to TM 750-244-6 for instructions governing
pectancy of the end item (app. D).
destruction of equipment to prevent enemy use.
2.8 Basic Issue Items List (BIIL).
Basic Issue Items are as listed:
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