![]() TM 10-3930-647-148 P
1-1. Purpose.
1-5 Procurement Status.
To provide the user and support personnel sup-
The procurement contract number is
plemental maintenance and repair parts in-
structions (SOMARPI) applicable to the 4,000 lb.
1-6 Personnel and Training.
Clark model C500Y45 forklift truck.
a MOS Requirements. Qualitative and quan-
1-2 Scope.
This SOMARPI applies to Department of the Army
(QQPRI) will be disseminated IAW AR 611-1. The
units, organizations and activities that use and/or
following MOS's can operate and maintain the end
support the truck, lift, fork, 4,000 lb., pneumatic
tire, 144-inch lift height, NSN 3390-01-085-3767.
(1) Operator. 62F, 76V
(2) Organizational maintenance. 63B & 63G
1-3 Description.
(3) Direct a n d g e n e r a l s u p p o r t m a i n -
The 4,000 lb., gasoline engine driven, pneumatic tire
tenance. 63B, 63G & 63H
forklift truck is manufactured by Clark Equipment
b. Training.
Company, Battle Creek, Michigan. The truck is a
(1) New equipment training team (NETT). New
front drive, rear steer vehicle with a lift height of
equipment training teams are available to major
144 inches. It has a Hydratork power shift trans-
field commands. Request for NETT's should be for-
mission, two speeds in both forward and reverse.
warded to Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive
The truck is equipped with hydraulic brakes on both
Command, ATTN: DRSTA-MLT, Warren, MI
drive wheels and a parking brake is mounted on the
48090. Training teams should be requested only
differential. It has a roller-type lift assembly with
when trained personnel are not available in the com-
two independent lift chains. The control valve to
mand to operate and/or maintain the truck.
operate the hydraulic lift and tilt cylinder is console
(2) New
m o u n t e d in front of the operator. A side shift
(NMIT): Major field commands requiring briefings
capability is also present on the vehicle. The in-
to command staff and users should forward their
strument panel includes: a gas gauge, oil pressure
US Army
requests to
gauge, ammeter, water temperature gauge and a
Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: DR-
direct reading engine hourmeter. The vehicle has a
STA-MLT, Warren, MI 48090. Receiving com-
12-volt electrical system consisting of a heavy duty
mands are responsible for the itinerary of NMIT's.
alternator, voltage regulator and starting motor.
1.7 Logistics Assistance (AR 700-4).
The truck is equipped with power steering. The
truck has a four-cylinder Waukesha engine.
US Army Tank-Automotive Command's field main-
tenance technicians stationed at CONUS and
1-4. Operational Concept.
OCONUS installations are available to furnish on-
site training and/or technical assistance. Assistance
The 4,000 lb. Clark model C500Y45 is intended to be
used for stacking, unstacking and moving cargo in
c a n be obtained by contacting the appropriate
logistics assistance office (LAO) listed in appendix
a n d around warehouses, loading platforms and
docks within the military supply system; also, for
B. AR 700-4.
moving cargo in and out of highway trailers and
1-8 Warranty.
railroad cars. Trucks are intended for operation over
See appendix B for warranty guidelines.
paved, semiprepared and other hard surfaces for
short distances.
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