![]() Figure 5-135. Steering Valve Assembly
b. Wash all parts in a Stoddard type cleaning
replaced as a unit if badly worn. Do not rework or
attempt to touch up the valve spool. This practice
will only result in improper steering unit operation
c. Inspect all fluid passages in valve body to be
and performance.
certain they are clean and free of obstructions.
d. Check each disassembled part for wear, cracks
or pitting that would render them unfit for
a. Immerse all parts in clean hydraulic fluid to
continued use. Replace all defective parts.
facilitate assembly. Coat all O-rings and seals with
petroleum jelly prior to assembly.
e. Inspect valve spool and valve spool bore for
deep scoring and excessive wear. As these parts are
b. Install new O-ring (coated with grease or
not ordinarily serviced separately, they should be
petroleum jelly) in cylinder end of valve body and
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