![]() 5. Install lever spring to return the choke to the
wide open position.
c. Install main jet and fibre washer in the fuel
bowl, using a screwdriver.
d. Install well vent jet in fuel bowl and tighten
with a small screwdriver.
e. Install discharge jet and fibre washer in large
threaded passage beneath the fuel bowl.
f . Install the drain plug in threaded passage,
bottom of fuel bowl, using a 7/16 inch end
g. Install main jet adjustment or passage plug and
Figure 5-82. Float Level Check
fibre washer, using a 1/2 inch wrench.
5-81. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 5-81.)
Throttle Body
Fuel Bowl Body.
h . Install throttle shaft hole plug in the side
a. Install the choke shaft hole plug, packing and
o p p o s i t e the stop pin, using a light hammer to
retainer in fuel bowl body as follows:
drive it into place flush with the boss.
i. Install throttle shaft seal, open side out,
1 . Assemble packing and retainer and place
followed by retainer, using fingers only.
completed assembly on bushing driver with
packing facing small end of tool.
j. Install the throttle shaft and stop lever
assembly, throttle, screws as follows:
2. Start retainer into counter bore in body and
lightly drive retainer into body until it is flush with
machine surface.
1. Insert the throttle shaft and stop lever
assembly in throttle body.
3. Install shaft hole plug with hammer.
b. Reassemble choke parts as follows:
Be sure stop is backed out far enough to
permit complete closing of throttle.
1 . Refer to match marks for correct position
and install choke bracket, screws and lockwashers.
2. Rotate throttle shaft to closed position,
insert throttle plate in the cut-out section of the
2. Start the choke plate, poppet valve first and
shaft, holding the plate in position with fingers.
stem down, into the air intake.
3. Start throttle plate screws and tighten with
3. Hold the choke plate up and insert the choke
shaft into place with cut-out section facing up.
small screwdriver, being sure that the throttle plate
is properly centered in the throttle body bore.
4. Rotate the shaft to the closed position, place
the choke plate in the cut-out section and install
the screws. (Be sure the plate is properly centered
The screw holes in the throttle plate are off
before tightening the screws.)
center. Start the side of the throttle plate
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