![]() Note
bottom of fuel bowl, using a 7/16 inch open end
Be sure all carbon despoits have been
removed from throttle bore and idle port.
o. Remove discharge jet and fibre washer.
d. It is advisable to reverse flow of compressed
p. Remove well vent jet from center of large
air in all passages to insure that all dirt has been
opening in machined surface of the fuel bowl with
removed. NEVER use a wire or drill to clean out
a small screwdriver.
q. Remove main jet and fibre washer from inside
e. Replace float assembly if loaded with gasoline,
of fuel bowl, using a screwdriver.
damaged, or if float axle bearing is worn
excessively. Inspect top side of float lever for wear
r . Dissemble choke as follows:
where it contacts fuel valve needle.
1. Make match marks with a file or prick punch
f. Replace the float axle if any wear can be
on choke bracket, choke lever and adjacent shaft
visually detected on the bearing surface.
boss as an aid to correct reassembly.
g. Always replace fuel valve seat and needle
2. Remove choke lever spring.
because both parts wear and may cause improper
float level.
3. Remove choke plate screws and lockwashers.
h . Idle adjusting needle point must be smooth
4. Remove the choke plate and choke shaft and
and free of ridges.
i . Inspect throttle plate for burrs or damaged
edges. Never clean with a buffing wheel or sharp
In some cases it may be necessary to bend
the bowl vent tube up a very little to give
j. Inspect air shutter for bends, butts or damaged
t h e choke clearance. (Use a screw driver
inserted in the tube.)
k . Check air shutter shaft bearing surface for
5 . Remove bracket assembly screws, packing
wear - see that shaft is straight.
washer and choke bracket.
1. Replace all gaskets and fibre washers every
6. Remove choke shaft hole plug, packing
time carburetor is disassembled.
washer and retainer, using method suggested in
t h r o t t l e body disassembly section "Disassembly
Throttle Body," items K and L.
Replacement parts must be of the same
part number and specifications.
a . Refer to figure 5-81 for parts identification
m . Check float level with throttle body in an
and proceed as follows:
inverted position, m e a s u r e level from machined
s u r f a c e of body to top of float at highest point.
b. Clean all metal parts thoroughly with cleaning
The measurement, "A" figure 2, should be 1-5/32
solution and rinse in solvent.
inches + or - 1/32 inch. To increase or decrease
measurement, bend float close to float body. See
c. Blow out all passages in the air intake and fuel
bowl assembly and throttle body.
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