![]() 2 . Check engine breather pipes, since clogged
checked with a wire feeler gauge, or a Dwell Angle
pipes cause crankcase pressure which will force oil
Meter. A meter of this type indicates the cam or
up into the distributor.
contact angle. This angle is the number of degrees
t h a t the breaker cam rotates from the time the
3. If the advance mechanism of the old
points close until they open again. The cam angle
distributor was found to be worn, check the engine
increases as the point opening is increased.
for worn oil pump gears, since these cause backlash
Manufacturers of this type equipment furnish
which produces torsional vibration; such vibration
c o m p l e t e instructions as to their use. Refer to
causes rapid advance mechanism wear.
4. Be sure to install the new distributor all the
way down in its mounting well. If the distributor is
not pushed all the way down, the distributor shaft
The contact point pressure should be checked with
is apt to freeze in the distributor housing and cause
a spring gauge. The scale should be hooked to the
complete destruction of the unit.
breaker lever and the pull exerted at an angle of
90 degrees with the point surface. Reading
5. Be sure that unit is properly timed, as shown
should be taken just as points separate. The
in figure 5-68.
pressure can be adjusted by bending the breaker
lever spring. If the pressure is excessive, it can be
d e c r e a s e d by pinching the spring carefully. To
increase, the lever must be removed from the
5-78. REMOVAL.
distributor so the spring can be bent away from the
lever. Avoid excessive spring distortion. New
a. Remove cotter key from accelerator rod at
breaker lever springs may be stronger than required
throttle arm and pull rod from throttle arm hole.
in service; be sure to check the spring tension of all
new levers when installed. Remember that
b. Remove the air cleaner to the carburetor hose.
excessive pressure causes rapid rubbing block, cam,
and contact point wear while insufficient pressure
c. Disconnect choke control.
will permit high-speed point bounce which will, in
turn, cause arcing and burning of the points and
d. Disconnect fuel pump to carburetor line.
missing of the engine.
e. Remove two nuts and lockwashers at the
Breaker lever spring tension should be 17-21
manifold to carburetor flange and withdraw
ounces when measured at the center of the contact
carburetor from machine.
or 19-23 ounces when measured just behind the
contact. The tension may be measured with any
5-79. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 5-81.)
suitable spring gauge, provided the pull is exerted
at 90 degrees and the reading taken just as the
Disassembly of the carburetor is not recommended
points begin to separate.
except by
disassembled view will identify the various
The distributor should be tested on a distributor
component parts and show their relation to
tester that will check the centrifugal advance
a s s e m b l y . Use the disassembled view with the
i d e n t i f y i n g part numbers to identify and locate
parts when performing the disassembly and
reassembly operations.
When installing a distributor, observe the following
Refer to the parts section of this manual for
1. Be sure the distributor mounting is clean so
carburetor repair kits. The use of the proper repair
t h e r e will be a good ground connection for the
parts kit is essential in the event repair is to be
performed on the carburetor. The following
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