![]() upon viscosity. Under no circumstances must
and disassemble the distributor as follows:
grease be used in the oil reservoir.
e . Unsnap cap springs, take off cap, rotor and
dust seal.
f. Disassemble terminal. Loosen terminal nut and
Clean and examine all parts of the distributor after
pull wire spring from terminal. (The terminal nut
disassembly. Do not clean cap, rotor, condenser,
o n the inside of the distributor bowl has been
insulators or housing (on units with built-in
eliminated, on some models, and replaced with a
lubrication) in any degreasing compound, since this
n o t c h e d terminal head screw and a special nut
m a y damage the part. Examine the centrifugal
which screws down into a recess in the outer
advance parts, weights, springs and plate, for signs
terminal block.) To detach the terminal assembly,
of wear and replace parts that look worn or
remove the outer hex nut and washer from
o t h e r w i s e damaged. On units with a dust seal,
t e r m i n a l screw. Remove the special slotted nut
replace the sealing washer if it is hard, worn or
w i t h a slotted bit screwdriver or other pronged
dirty. Replace contact points that are worn or
tool. Remove the terminal screw and both matched
p i t t e d , or if the breaker lever rubbing block or
insulator blocks.
bushing is excessively worn. On units with a cam
lubricator, replace the lubricator if the lubricating
g. Take off breaker plate attaching screws and lift
felt wick is worn, hard or dirty.
out breaker plate.
a. Condenser. Inspect the condenser for broken
h. Remove coupling or gear by grinding or filing
leads, frayed insulation and loose or corroded
off the peened-over head of pin and then drive out
terminal. Make sure the condenser is firmly
m o u n t e d and makes a good ground contact. Be
sure terminal is tight.
i. Unscrew bearing and take the accessory drive
shaft out of the housing.
b. Open the breaker contacts and insulate them
j. Shaft and advance mechanism can now be
with a small card. Check the condenser for
lifted out. Advance mechanism is disassembled by
capacity and grounds by testing from the primary
terminal to the distributor base. If this test shows
taking off nuts fastening hold-down plate in place.
the condenser is defective, remove condenser and
test again. Replace if second test shows the
condenser is faulty.
B u s h i n g s or bearings can be replaced on many
applications, including units which have built-in
c . Centrifugal Advance. Check the centrifugal
lubrication. Porous bushings are available as service
a d v a n c e mechanism for freeness by turning the
replacement parts (sold by special arrangement),
breaker cam in the direction of rotation and then
but the actual installation requires great care, as
release it. The advance springs should return the
cam to its original position without sticking.
w e l l as the use of a special arbor, in order to
p r e v e n t damage to the bearing surface. Proper
d. Distributor Cap. Wipe out the distributor cap
lubrication with a porous bushing depends upon a
with a clean cloth and inspect it and the rotor for
u n i f o r m predictable seepage of oil through the
c h i p s , cracks and carbonized paths which would
structure of the bushing. The amount of oil which
seeps through a porous bushing may be seriously
allow high-tension leakage to ground. Such defects
affected by scratches or scuffed areas on the
require replacement of the part.
bearing or transmitting surfaces. Porous bushings
are manufactured to an exact size and should not
be reamed, scraped, or filed. It is very important to
use only the grade of oil specified for the oil
R e a s s e m b l y is the reverse of disassembly. After
r e a s s e m b l y , the contact point opening and cam
reservoir since other grades will allow either
e x c e s s i v e or inadequate lubrication, depending
a n g l e should be checked and adjusted, refer to
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