![]() Figure 6-73. Undercutting Mica
Figure 5-74. Brush Spring Pressure Check
Meter needle will jump wildly; precautions
should be taken to avoid damage to
Do not use silicone base varnishes.
STEP 4. To test armature for grounds, place one
R E P A I R . Carefully
probe of test lamp on armature core or shaft and
inspect the commutator. If burned, rough or
p l a c e other probe on commutator bars. If lamp
out-of-round, it must be turned and the mica
lights, armature is grounded and must be repaired
or replaced.
a. Place armature in a lathe and turn down
c o m m u t a t o r until true. Make certain cut is not
made on commutator riser bars as solder will be
a. To test for gounded fields, place one probe of
removed and weaken coil connections. Remain
test lamp on field frame and other probe on field
terminal. If lamp lights, field coils are grounded
approximately 3/16 inch from riser bars when
and must be replaced if ground cannot be located
and repaired.
b. Undercut mica to a depth not exceeding 0.030
b. Paint or spray field coils and inside of motor
inch. Undercut must be full width of mica and flat
f r a m e with Class " F " a i r d r y i n g v a r n i s h . T h e
at bottom. See figure 5-73.
armature coils, core, and end of commutator bars,
and mica cone ring can be sprayed or painted with
c. Sand commutator lightly with No. 00
class " F " b a k i n g v a r n i s h . ( B a k e p e r v a r n i s h
sandpaper to remove any burrs left from
manufacturer's instructions.)
undercutting. Clean slots.
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