![]() Figure 5-62. Flywheel Housing Installation
a. Prior to crankshaft installation, install all valve
lifters in the bores from which they were originally
removed. Lifters should be dipped in clean engine
oil before installing.
b . Install crankshaft and gear assembly, using
new bearings.
Figure 5-61. Checking Rod Alignment
c. If new crankshaft gear is to be installed, heat
the gear to a maximum of 400F, and using tongs
a n d asbestos gloves, install gear on crankshaft,
making sure that keyway is properly positioned.
a . Connecting rod bearings must be inspected
d. Torque all bearing caps to specifications and
according to figure 5-50, and bearings evidencing
check bearing clearances.
any abnormal condition must be replaced.
e. Check to see that crankshaft rotates freely.
b. The connecting rod bushing (wrist pin
bushing) should be checked for wear internally and
f. Install the rear main seal. Lightly coat the steel
also for good fit in the rod eye.
edge of the seal (flywheel side) with non-hardening
c. If the bushing requires replacement, it should
be pressed out of the rod as shown in figure 5-60,
and the new bushing installed in a similar manner.
g. The small side of the steel lip must be installed
toward the engine side and the oil seal must be
d. Ream the new bushing to size (see Table 5)
installed l/32 inch below machined surface on
after installation.
engine side of flywheel housing.
e. Connect rod alignment should be checked in a
h. Install flywheel housing. Install new O-ring
fixture such as that shown in figure 5-61. Do not
s e a l on flywheel housing, with vulcanized joint
attempt to straighten a bent rod, it must be
toward top of engine.
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