![]() b. Remove the pump cover which is secured
to the pump body with flat head screws.
c. Remove and discard the shaft retainer.
Place the pump (hub end down) on the base
of an arbor press. Using a dowel slightly
press the shaft out of the pump body. The
impeller blades will bottom against the in-
side of the pump body so that the shaft is
pressed out of the impeller as well as out
of the body. Discard the shaft and the im-
d. Turn
the pump body over and apply slight
to the water pump seal to remove it
from the
recess in the body. Discard the
Figure 5-33. Cylinder Sleeve Locks
seal and
the seal seat.
e. Carefully inspect the water pump body
c. Turn the pump body over and sup-
for damage. I f t h e b o d y i s d a m a g e d , r e p l a c e
port the pulley end of the shaft.
the entire pump. I f t h e b o d y i s s e r v i c e a b l e
Carefully slide the seal seat (rubber
reassemble the pump using a water pump
insert side up) onto the shaft. Use
repair kit.
a tube or pipe with an I.D. slightly
larger than the I.D. of the impeller
to press onto the shaft. Start the im-
a. Carefully wipe the carbon sealing sur-
peller straight and true on the shaft
face of the water pump seal and the mating
to avoid binding while it is being
face of the ceramic seal seat with a soft
pressed on. Pressure should be applied
cloth or absorbent paper to remove all traces
to the inner impeller flange area
of wax, grease, or oil. Use a small amount
only to avoid damaging the impeller.
of solvent if necessary. To provide for
Allow .010-.025" (.245-.635mm) clear-
initial lubrication of the seal and the seal
ance between the vanes and body.
seat, apply either a 1% soluble oil and water
After the impeller is installed, ro-
solution or ethyoline glycol type antifreeze
tate the shaft to ensure that the im-
to the sealing surfaces of both. Lubricate
peller blades do not contact the pump
the O.D. of the seal lightly with a soft
sealant, such Permatex No. 3, before instal-
ling the seal in the body recess. To install
d. Again turn the pump over and block
the seal, press against the outer flange
against the shaft, not against the im-
with light pressure only to avoid damaging
peller hub. Position the pulley on the
the seal.
shaft so that the four holes align with
the threads in the pulley hub. Install
b. Place the pump body (cover end down) on
the two capscrews and torque to 70 in.
the base of the arbor press. Insert the long
end of the pump shaft through the seal care-
fully. To press the shaft into the pump body,
use a tube or pipe slightly smaller than the
e. Replace the gaskets and pump cover.
O.D. of the shaft bearing, and press against
the outer race of the pump bearing until it
is seated in the pump body. Do not apply
a. Position pump, and new gasket,
against mounting surface of cylinder
pressure against the end of the shaft. In-
stall the shaft retainer in the groove in
block. Install all bolts and torque to
specifications on page vii.
the pump body.
b. Install and tighten V-belt . Refer
to Section
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