![]() Figure 4-73. Hydraulic System Pressure Check
0-4000 psi scale at the discharge (pressure) line of
Figure 4-72. Fuses and Underdash Wiring
the hydraulic pump or at the hydraulic valve. See
a. Connect the pressure line from the gauge to
t h e test port of the pump or valve by removing
plug from test port.
a. The wiring system on
the vehicle is a 12-volt
n e g a t i v e ground system.
Extreme care must be
b. Apply parking brake. Start engine and operate
taken when connecting an
outside source of power
at governed RPM. Hold tilt lever back until the
to any component for test
purposes, to observe the
pressure builds up and moves the pressure relief
proper ground polarity.
valve off its seat; avoid holding the tilt lever longer
t h a n is necessary to check pressure reading of
gauge. Take reading then release accelerator and
tilt lever.
Disconnect battery ground strap before
c. The pressure reading will indicate the setting
performing any service on electrical system.
of the relief valve. If reading taken is not
reasonably close to those listed in specifications,
b. Wiring circuitry and color codes are indicated
a p p r o p r i a t e repairs should be made. Report to
on the electrical schematic, figure 1-3.
designated authority.
c. Be sure to replace all light bulbs and
instruments with parts rated for 12-volt operation.
Schroeder Hydraulic Circuit Tester (Clark Part No.
d . Access to the fuses may be gained through
1800060) is available, the hydraulic relief valve
removal of the underdash cowling. Fuses are
setting and the rate of flow being delivered by the
identified in figure 4-72.
hydraulic pump may be checked as follows:
a. Connect the pressure line from the tester to the
test port at the hydraulic pump, or at the test port
4-65. PRESSURE CHECK. The hydraulic relief
of the hydraulic valve. Remove sump tank breather
valve setting may be checked with a Mico
and insert the return line from the tester into the
Quadrigage (Clark Part No. 1800106) or, by
i n s t a l l i n g a conventional pressure gauge with a
sump tank.
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