![]() Figure 4-57. Governor and Linkage Adjustment
indicated by an audible hissing sound from
a. Start the engine and run at idle until it has
the pump.
warmed to normal operating temperature.
c. Rotate steering wheel counterclockwise to one
b. Rotate steering wheel one full turn clockwise,
full turn past the straight-ahead position, again
listening to see if pump starts by-passing through
listening for the sound of by-pass operation. No
the relief valve. No relief by-pass sound should be
indication of by-pass operation should be heard.
d. If pump is by-passing during either phase of
the above check, then the steering system
O p e r a t i o n of steering pump when
adjustments outlined in paragraph 4-59 will have to
by-passing through the relief valve is
be performed.
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