![]() check for cracks in the coil case. Check coil
e. After cleaning, examine the plug carefully for
terminals for tight connections and proper
cracked or broken insulator, badly eroded
electrodes and other signs of failure. Replace as
4-44. DISTRIBUTOR CHECKS. Disconnect spark
plug wiring at the distributor cap, remove
f. Clean the electrode surfaces with a small file.
distributor cap and make the following inspection:
Dress the electrodes to secure flat parallel surfaces
on both the center and Bide electrode.
a. Distributor Cap: Clean the distributor cap with
a soft bristle brush and Stoddard type cleaning
g. Adjust the spark plug gap to: Standard 0.025
solvent. Dry the cap with compressed air. Inspect
inch, Resistor 0.035, by bending only the outside
t h e cap for cracks burned contacts, permanent
electrode. Use a round wire-type gauge to check
carbon tracks or dirt or corrosion in the sockets.
the gap. If old spark plugs are reused, install with
Replace the cap if it is defective.
new gaskets. Torque to 35 pounds/feet.
b. Rotor: Clean the rotor with a soft bristle
brush and a Stoddard type cleaning solvent. The
rotor should be dried with compressed air. Inspect
Do not overtighten spark plugs, the gap
the rotor for cracks or burning. Replace the rotor
may change considerably due to distortion
if it is defective.
of the plug outer shell, or the insulator may
be cracked.
c. Check the contact dwell. If the contact dwell
i s not within specifications, adjust the breaker
Whenever an examination of the high tension
wiring reveals
cracks, c h a f e d a r e a s , b u r n e d
d . Check the breaker arm spring tension and
i n s u l a t i o n or other deterioration, the wiring set
adjust it if necessary.
should be replaced. Such poor insulation leads to
rapid spark plug fouling and misfiring due to
current leakage.
a d v a n c e is checked to determine if the ignition
timing advances in proper relation to engine speed
When removing the wires from the spark plugs -
and load.
grasp, twist, and pull on the moulded cap only. Do
not pull on the wire because the wire connections
a . Connect the electrical leads of a distributor
inside the cap may become separated or the
t e s t set to the distributor. Do not connect the
weather seal may be damaged.
vacuum line to the diaphragm. Set the tester for 0
degree advance at 300 RPM.
Removal: Disconnect wires at plugs and at the
distributor cap. Remove coil high tension lead.
b . Operate the distributor in the direction of
Installation: Connect wires to proper plugs. Insert
rotation and slowly increase the RPM to the setting
ends of wires in the correct Sockets in distributor
specified for the first advance reading listed in the
cap. Be sure wires are all the way down into their
sockets and that they are held firmly in position.
The No. 1 socket is identified on the cap. Install
c. If the correct advance is not indicated at this
wires in a clockwise direction in the firing order
R P M , stop the distributor and bend one spring
l-2-4-3, starting at No. 1 socket. NOW install coil
adjustment bracket to change its tension. Bend the
h i g h tension lead. Push all weather seals into
adjustment bracket away from the distributor shaft
to decrease advance (increase spring tension) and
t o w a r d the shaft to increase advance (decrease
s p r i n g tension). After the adjustment is made,
for secure mounting. Wipe the coil with a damp
cloth moistened in Stoddard type solvent and
identify the bracket that is bent.
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