![]() g . A r e a d i n g o f m o r e t h a n 1 0 p o u n d s above
n o r m a l indicates carbon or lead deposits in the
h. A reading of more than 10 pounds below
normal indicates leakage at the head gasket, rings,
or valves.
i. A low even compression in two adjacent
cylinders indicates a head gasket leak. This should
be checked before condemning the rings or valves.
j. To determine whether the rings or the valves
are at fault, squirt the equivalent of a tablespoon
o f heavy oil into the combustion chamber and
Figure 4-43. Compression Check
repeat the compression test. The oil will
temporarily seal leakage past the rings. If the same
reading is obtained, the rings are satisfactory, but
A cylinder
t h e valves are leaking. If the compression has
compression test aids in determining the condition
i n c r e a s e d 10 pounds or more over the original
of the valves, rings and head gasket.
reading, it indicates there is leakage past the rings.
a. Be sure the battery is good. Operate the engine
4-41. SPARK PLUG CHECK. Under normal
u n t i l normal operating temperature is reached.
c o n d i t i o n s , these spark plugs will give long life
T u r n the ignition switch off. Loosen the spark
performance with the normal maintenance listed in
plugs, blow out any dirt in the spark plug wells,
this manual. The spark plugs should be cleaned,
then remove the plugs.
tested and gapped at the recommended intervals.
b. Set the accelerator in the wide open position
a . Loosen the spark plugs one full turn, then
and be sure the choke is wide open.
b l o w any accumulation of dirt out of the spark
plug wells before completing the removal.
c. Remove the coil high tension lead in the
distributor, and ground it securely to the engine.
b. Examine firing end of plug carefully and
I n s t a l l a compression gauge in No. 1 cylinder.
compare findings with figure 4-44. Careful analysis
Crank the engine until the gauge registers a
of spark plug deposits can reveal a great deal about
maximum reading and record the reading and note
engine operating conditions.
t h e number of compression strokes required to
obtain this reading. See figure 4-43.
c . Remove carbon and other deposits from the
d. Repeat the test on each cylinder, cranking the
threads with a stiff wire brush. Any deposits will
same number of times that were needed to obtain
retard the heat-flow from the plug to the cylinder
the maximum reading on No. 1 cylinder.
spark plug overheating and
e . During the compression test, the indicated
p r e s s u r e should rise evenly on each succeeding
d. Clean any heavy carbon deposits from the
stroke until the maximum reading is obtained. If
inside of the plugs with a thin-bladed knife, then
the pressure rise is erratic, or fails to rise on any
finish cleaning them with an abrasive-type cleaner.
stroke, a sticky or stuck valve is indicated.
Use the cleaner sparingly, as excessive abrasive
b l a s t i n g may damage the porcelain around the
f. The pressure should be approximately 150-200
center electrode. If the porcelain is badly glazed or
pounds. However, the compression of all cylinders
should be uniform within 20 pounds.
eroded, replace the spark plugs.
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