![]() Note
m a y b e p e r f o r m e d when pressure bleeding
e q u i p m e n t is unavailable. Manual bleeding will
The parking brake must be capable of
require two men, one to depress and hold the
holding truck, with rated capacity load, on
brake pedal while the other opens and closes the
a 15% grade, If a major adjustment as
bleeder valves. Proceed as outlined under pressure
described in paragraph 4-30 will not restore
but observe the following special
proper operation, the parking brake linings
should be replaced. See Section V.
4-22. It must be remembered that the brake pedal
a. Fully apply hand brake, moving lever from full
should be depressed slowly and held until the line
forward to full rearward position. Cable tension
connections or bleeder screws are securely
should be sufficient to require a definite effort in
tightened. This prevents the possibility of air being
pulling the lever over the center position.
drawn into the system during the bleeding
operation. Check the master cylinder reservoir level
b. With hand brake set, start truck engine and
often during manual bleeding and keep within l/4
place directional control lever in forward position.
inch from the top.
c. Depress engine throttle until engine runs up to
4-23. With filler cap off the master cylinder,
maximum stall speed (approximately 1500 RPM).
depress and release brake pedal. A small
Truck should not move or creep.
d i s p l a c e m e n t of fluid should be noticed in the
cylinder reservoir. If this happens, the brake pedal
d. If either of the above tests indicate a need for
(upon being released) is returning the master
a d j u s t m e n t , perform the minor adjustment first
c y l i n d e r piston to its normal position to open a
a n d recheck brake action. Then, if necessary, a
master cylinder port. This port must be open.
major adjustment should be performed.
4-24. If fluid is not displaced upon releasing the
4-29. MINOR ADJUSTMENT. Minor adjustment
brake pedal, a pedal adjustment is required.
to the parking brake linkage is made by placing the
lever in the full forward (released) position, then
turning the knurled knob on the end of the lever
several turns clockwise. After making this
4-26. When the brake system is operating
adjustment, recheck brake action as described
properly, the cam like action of the reaction arm
above. If necessary, repeat adjustment.
allows self-adjustment for the total thickness of the
brake linings, without any noticeable increase in
brake pedal free travel. The self-adjustment feature
eliminates the need for manual adjustment of the
If brake effectiveness cannot be restored
within the range of travel of the lever knob,
4-27. When the brake linings become worn beyond
a major adjustment must be performed.
their designed limits, there will be a noticeable
change in the brake pedal effort required to stop
4-30. MAJOR ADJUSTMENT. When minor
adjustment is not sufficient to restore brake
the machine or, brakes will become noisy during
application. If either of these conditions exist, the
efficiency, a major adjustment should be
axle ends should be removed so an inspection of
performed as outlined below:
the brake linings can be made to determine their
further serviceability. If lining replacement appears
a. Release hand brake lever, returning lever to the
necessary, refer to Section V.
full forward position.
b. Rotate knurled knob on the end of the lever
MENT. Periodic checks to determine efficiency of
counterclockwise as far as possible, and pull lever
t h e parking brake are to be made as described
rearward to the applied position.
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