![]() 1. Wingnut
4. Hydraulic sump breather
7. Master cylinder
5. Sump filter cover plate
filler cap
2. Center stud
3. Element case
6. PCV valve
8. Filter cartridge
Figure 4-3. Engine Compartment, Right Side
moderate service, the filter need only be changed
e. Install new or cleaned element, replace case,
every second oil change. In severe service, oil
and tighten wingnut securely.
change periods should be shortened and the filter
replaced at each change.
f. Check hose connections between the air
cleaner and carburetor to make certain all clamps
a. The engine should be run up to operating
are tight and secure. Replace hose or clamps as
required to restore air-tight connections between
temperature before oil is drained, so that the
sediment in the crankcase will be drained off with
air cleaner and carburetor. See figure 4-5.
the oil.
b. Remove the magnetic drain plug, and allow the
change and
CHANGE. Proper oil
crankcase to drain thoroughly.
best determined
intervals are
c. Clean the magnetic drain plug thoroughly and
according to the severity of service and climatic
conditions in which the truck operates. In
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