![]() t h a t cannot be overcome by purely mechanical
f. Turn the starter and ignition switch to OFF
means. The exercise of intelligence, care and
position to stop the engine.
common sense by the truck operator is essential to
minimize the hazards of overloading, slipping, and
unbalanced loads; obstructions in the path of
travel, or the use of equipment in operations for
If the engine has been operating at, or near,
which it is not intended or designed. Following are
full load, it should be allowed to run at fast
a few suggestions that should be followed in the
idle (600 to 800 RPM) for several minutes
operation of this vehicle:
after the load is removed before being
stopped. This allows internal engine
a. Operate vehicle with forks close to floor,
temperatures to equalize.
loaded or empty, but high enough to avoid hitting
b . If vision is obstructed by the load, operate
The overhead guard meets the ANS B56.1
Safety Standard for powered industrial
vehicle in reverse, at low speed, turning in the seat
to maintain clear vision.
impact test load of 16,000 foot pounds.
The overhead guard should remain installed
c. Avoid sudden stops or starts. When backing
on the truck at all times during opera-
up, check for obstructions or personnel in the path
tion. With the upright completely col-
of the truck before moving the truck.
lapsed the overall height of the truck
with overhead guard will operate in a
d. Drive carefully at all times. Exercise caution at
84 inch door opening.
cross aisles, sounding horn for safety.
e . Be sure loads are safe to move. Have loads
properly centered on forks. Refer to the capacity
data in Section I for various load centering ratings.
f. The operator should be qualified and drive in
accordance with safety rules.
g. If the truck does not operate properly, report
to proper authority. A minor adjustment now may
save a major repair later.
h. Do not allow riders.
i. Operate the truck at a safe distance behind
other vehicles.
j. Do not operate truck with wet or greasy hands.
N e v e r drive the truck in open area of
the warehouse or storage yard with-
k. Observe highway traffic laws in the operation
o u t t h e g u a r d i n p l a c e o v e r the
of the truck.
operator' comportment. There is no
periodic maintenance other than check-
l. Drive carefully on wet or slippery floors.
ing for security of mounting.
m. Keep feet within perimeter of floor board.
3-33. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. The use of
n. Observe the Operating Instructions and
powered equipment is subject to certain hazards
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