![]() 3-1.
Final drive is accomplished
through a spiral bevel pinion and
This section provides information
ring gear with differential gearing
and instructions concerning the theory
for the axle shafts.
The axle shafts
of operation and proper use of the truck.
are full-floating; the axle housing
Operating and maintenance personnel
carries the weight of the truck.
should become thoroughly familiar with
Final gear reduction is made through
the truck, and these instructions, before
a fully enclosed ring gear and pinior
attempting to operate or service the truck.
at the drive wheels.
The axle shaft
pinion gear engages the internal ring
gear in the axle ends and provides a
4:1 torque multiplication at the
This truck provides a
In this design, the axle
compact, mobile means of transporting
shaft carriers only one-fourth the
and stacking or unstacking palletized
torque which is delivered to each
or skid-mounted loads of up to 4000 lbs.
The truck engine provides power for mobile
operation and drives the pumps for hydraulic
lift, tilt and steering.
The engine is a four cylinder,
Torque generated by the engine is
in line, 4 cycle overhead valve type,
multiplied by the torque converter as
which operates on regular grade gaso-
required in the lower speed ranges with
The basic design of the engine
the engine under load; under no-load
is derived from a diesel engine which-
conditions, the converter acts as an
is inherently rugged in construction.
efficient fluid coupling between engine
Fuel is atomized in the up-draft car-
and transmission.
The transmission is a
buretor and ignited by a coil and
heavy duty power-shift, constant mesh type.
distributor spark ignition system.
It provides forward, reverse and neutral
The engine is cooled by water circu-
gear ranges and accomplishes shifting by
lating in the engine which passes
means of hydraulic clutch packs.
through the radiator, where excess
heat is drawn off by the flow of air
3 - 6 . A n "inching" circuit in the trans-
through the radiator.
mission provides for gradual disengaging
of engine power from the drive wheels,
Filters are provided in the
even with engine running at top speed.
f u e l l i n e , lubrication system, and
This provides for fast hydraulic lift
intake air cleaner to protect the
action while the truck itself is moving
engine from damage by dust, dirt,
sediment or other foreign materials.
The circuit is controlled by the
free-travel Portion of the left foot inch-
A dynamic balancer is built
This initial
ing/brake master cylinder.
into the engine crankcase which
pedal travel controls hydraulic pressure
absorbs some of the reciprocal forces
on the direction selector clutch pack,
in the engine and provides smoother
allowing controlled slippage in the drive
l i n e . Excessive heat generated by clutch
operation than is normally obtainable
action is drawn off in the oil cooler,
with the four-cylinder design.
which is located in the left side tank of
the radiator.
The transmission, which houses the
torque converter, is mounted directly to
The torque converter consists
the rear of the engine. The differential
of three units: the impeller and its
case and axle adapter bolts to the back
c o v e r , which form the housing for the
forming a rigid,
of the transmission
converter, driven by the engine; a
unitized drive line.
stator which can rotate only in the
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