![]() and system voltage decrease, and D2
then blocks current flow, causing
TR1 to turn back on. The field
current and system voltage increase,
and this cycle then repeats many
times per second to limit the alt-
ernator voltage to a preset value.
Capacitor C1 smooths out the voltage
across R3, resistor R4 prevents
excessive current through TR1 at
high-induced-voltages in the field
windings when TR1 turns off.
tor R2 is a thermistor which causes
the regulated voltage to vary with
the temperature, thus providing the
opimum voltage for charging the
Cross-Section View of Typical Delcotron
OIL FILTERS. The engine oil
with Built-in Solid State Voltage
filter and the transmission and power
Regulator in Frame.
steering fluid filters are both
spin-on throwaway cartridge type. The
With the alternatoroperating, a.c. volt-
engine oil filter is mounted on a
ages are generated in the stator windings,
bracket to the right side of the
and the stator supplied d.c. field current
frame, j u s t i n s i d e t h e e n g i n e c o m -
through the diode trio, the field, TR1,
partment. The filter uses a lo-micron
and then through the grounded diodes in
element. The transmission filter is
the rectifier bridge back to the stator.
mounted to the left side of the
Also, the six diodes in the rectifier
engine and uses a 15-micron element.
bridge change the stator a.c. voltage
to a d.c. voltaqe which appears between
ground and the alternatorBAT. terminal.
hydraulic pump is a high pressure
rotary-gear type pump that pumps
As alternatorspeed increases current is
provided for charging the energizer and
oil from the oil reservoir for use
operating electrical accessories.
in lifting and tilting operations
with the alternatoroperating, the same
of the mast assembly.
voltage appears at the BAT. and No. 1
terminals, and the ammeter indicates
steering pump is a rotary gear-type
the alternator is producing voltage.
pump, driven off the engine timing
gears. The pump draws hydraulic
The No. 2 t e r m i n a l o n t h e a l t e r n a t o r i s
fluid from the hydraulic sump and
provides fluid under pressure to the
always connected to the energizer, but
the discharge current is limited to a
power steering cylinder.
negligible value by the high resistances
of R2 and R3. As thealternator speed
and voltage increase, the voltage be-
The forks of the truck are mounted
tween R2 and R3 increases to the point
on a carriage which is raised and
lowered on the upright rails. The
where zener diode D2 conducts. Tran-
sistor TR2 then turns on and TR1 turns
lift assembly utilizes a multi-
off. With TR1 off, the field current
state system to raise the cargo loads.
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