![]() In order to understand the function and
When the fuel bowl (1) is empty the
operation of the Marve1-Schebler
float and lever (2) and float valve (3)
Tractor and Industrial Carburetors it
drop and fuel under pressure from the
is well to consider the systems that
fuel pump (or gravity feed) is forced
These systems
make up each carburetor.
through the float valve seat (4) around
The Float System, The Idle
the float valve (3) and into the fuel
System, The Power Fuel Feed System,
bowl (1).
As the fuel in the bowl
approaches the correct operating level
The Back Suction Economizer System,
and The Choke System.
it raises the float and lever (2) with
enough force to raise the float valve
and cut off the flow of fuel into the
A thorough knowledge of each system
As fuel feeds through the
will help the service mechanic to
carburetor jets into the engine the
quickly locate and correct legitimate
fuel level (5) drops, allowing
carburetor complaints as well as to
additional fuel to enter the fuel bowl.
inspect, repair, and put back to
standard any carburetor that requires
Under actual operating conditions the
an overhaul.
fuel level (5) and float and lever (2)
automatically position themselves so
that the inward flow of gasoline to the
The float system controls the level and
c a r b u r e t o r i s e q u a l t o the outward flow
s u p p l y o f g a s o l i n e i n t h e f u e l bowl
eng i n e .
throughout the operating range o f t h e
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