![]() 1-35 CARBURETOR
will only result in wasted time and
effort on the part of the service man
and added expense to the customer.
thousands of tractor and industrial
engines and have been designed to
It must be remembered that the function
provide many years of trouble-free
of the carburetor does not extend
service, however, as in the case of all
beyond delivering the proper mixture of
mechanical devices, they do in time
fuel and air to the manifold and the
require proper service and repairs. An
other factors which effect power and
understanding of their construction and
economy cannot be changed or corrected
how they operate as well as an under-
Inability to
by the carburetor.
standing of their function with respect
understand all factors that effect
to the engine will not only avoid many
engine operation is the reason many
false leads on the part of the service
service mechanics change from factory
standards and attempt to improve on the
man in diagnosing so-called carburetor
engine set-up by their own methods or
complaints but will create customer
"s t a n d a r d s ". A l l t h a t a n y s e r v i c e
satisfaction and a profitable business
mechanic should ever try to do is make
for the progressive service shop.
the particular engine he is working on
To understand a carburetor it is
as good as the manufacturer intended it
necessary to realize there is only one
to be, but he can make it a lot worse.
thing a carburetor is designed to do and
Far too many engines are running below
that is to mix fuel and air in the
their standard of performance in service
proper proportion so the mixture will
It is
burn efficiently in an engine.
For the carburetor to accomplish its
the function of the engine to convert
function it must be able to vary the
this mixture into power.
mixture strength dependent upon engine
It must supply a mixture
There are three major factors in an
strength that will allow the engine to
engine which control the change of fuel
I-Compress ion.
give maximum horsepower, whenever the
and air into power:
throttle is fully opened, while at part
2-Ignition. 3-Carburetion.
throttle conditions it must lean out the
mixture so that maximum economy can be
Carburetion has been listed last because
In addition it must have
it is absolutely necessary for the
flexibility throughout the entire range
engine to have good compress ion and
i g n i t i o n b e f o r e it can have good
of operating speeds, from idle and part
throttle to full power wide open
The carburetor must
throttle position.
a l s o h a v e a n a c c e l e r a t i n g "w e l l " w i t h
When the average person thinks of
enough fuel capacity to start handling
"c a r b u r e t i o n " t h e y i m m e d i a t e l y t h i n k o f
In other words
sudden maximum loads.
the carburetor as a unit. Carburetion
the carburetor not only varies volume
is the combined function of carburetor,
of fuel and air that enters the engine
manifold, valves, piston and rings,
but also varies amount of fuel that
combustion chamber, and cam shaft.
goes in with a given amount of air, in
I t i s r e a d i l y s e e n t h a t "c a r b u r e t i o n "
order to produce the proper mixture
is a far deeper subject than consider-
proportion for any condition under which
the engine is operating at any time.
ation of the carburetor alone, and
expecting the carburetor to cure faulty
ignition, compression, valves, etc.
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