![]() 1-17.
The torque converter has three basic
twin steel rails, an intermediate sec-
components; t h e y a r e t h e i m p e l l e r , t u r b i n e ,
tion and an inner telescoping section.
and housing or stator.
Under normal operat-
The carriage is mounted to this tele-
ing conditions, the action of the impeller
scoping section and the lifting forks
causes the turbine blades to turn almost
are attached to the carriage. A tele-
freely and fluid passes through the converter
scoping hydraulic cylinder within the
easily and quickly, striking each blade at
mast provides the lifting force.
a very slight angle. When a load is en-
countered, the turbine slows down because it
is directly connected to the load shaft, and
the fluid strikes the turbine blades at a
Figure 1-2.) The engine cooling sys-
sharp angle. As the force of the fluid is
tem consists of the radiator, water
relayed from blade to blade, the output tor-
pump, connecting hoses, engine water
que accumulates. The twisting force that
jacket, thermostat, fan and fan belt.
accumulates as the fluid is directed and
Total cooling system capacity is
redirected is the output torque of the con-
11-l/2 quarts. The radiator is of
verter. Thus, the converter selects the
the heavy duty, tube-and-fin, cross
proper output torque for any load, doing
flow type. Cooling air is drawn
automatically what must be done manually
through the radiator by action of the
in a mechanical transmission.
fan, which is driven by V-belt from
the crankshaft pulley. The thermostat,
located between the water pump and cyl-
converter and automatic transmission
inder head, restricts the flow of cool-
assemblies are mounted between the engine
ant through the engine until the engine
and drive axle assembly, immediately below
has warmed up to normal operating temp-
the driver's floor plates. The transmission
case is connected to the flywheel housing
on one end and the axle adapter housing on
The radio
the other. The transmission assembly is
frequency emission electrical system
controlled by valves mounted on the trans-
is negatively grounded andemploys a
mission. The valves are connected by
12-volt alternator that is mounted to
linkage to rods extending through the floor
the engine and driven by the V-type
plate and up to the cowl. Levers extending
Output of the alternator is
thru the cowl are easily accessible to the
controlled by a voltage regulator
operator's right hand. By proper manipula-
mounted in the alternator. Major com-
tion of the direction selector, the operator
ponents of the electrical system are
can place the vehicle in neutral, forward,
the alternator, 12-volt storage battery,
or reverse gear. The oil used by the trans-
engine starting motor, distributor, coil,
mission when operating the vehicle is cooled
spark plugs, vehicle lights, and various
by the o i l c o o l e r i n t h e r a d i a t o r .
electrically powered indicators.
DRIVE AXLE. The front vehicle axle is
To keep the starter from start-
the drive axle of the truck. The axle adapter
ing when the engine is running, a lockout
and axle end assemblies contain the gears,
The automatic dis-
system is employed.
s h a f t s , b e a r i n g s , and-other components
engagement and lockout system functions
necessary to transmit power to the truck
as follows:
drive wheels. The axle is of single speed
The starter relay has points which
type, having double reduction gearing. Final
are closed as long as the engine is not
reduction is achieved at the drive wheels
running.Under this condition, the starter
through a ring and pinion gear mounted in
can be operated.
the axle and housing.
However, when the engine is running
U P R I G H T AND CARRIAGE. The upright
the starter relay is energized, the relay
assembly consists of a vertical mast of
points open and the starter circuit is
broken. Thus . . t h e s t a r t e r c a n n o t b e
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